[ Ask killer Pt. 1 ]

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An I just wanna thank everyone who asked questions! I owe all this to you people!

Anyway lets begin and who knows maybe if you like it I could make part two add more killer aus~

Also I know no one will do it but- like the artist people... can I see art of the four killers together- I dont expect anything but Im shooting my shot! Maybe it will land [most-likely not]

Some were in an empty white void was nothing... but space, well white space? It was quite in his void of a white world until it wasn't-


Four random skeletons fell from out the S K Y all landing ontop of eachother- well all three of them landed on the other.

"What the fuck... I was about to service a thotty~?! Who the hell is cucking me!!"

A skeleton yelled having its entire mid section showing there bones. Sitting up from the floor they were on, not noticing he was on top of a pile of other skeletons, being swiftly yeeted off by two skeletons? One the smallest one looking terrified and confused

"What is this place?! Who are you people-"

"Stop fucking crying bitcH- I wont hurt ych~"

The other skeleton in brown said leaning down to the small, just making the smaller more scared at his event.
Now having a better look he notice the smaller skeleton and... how much he looked like him.


the three skeletons all jumped in confusion and fear, looking at where the voice came from to see a next skeleton face pass on the floor, which was slowly getting up.

"What the fuck is this place?! I WAS just trying to take a dam nap! And I get woken by three versions on me sitting on me!"

"Yo calm down~ we had no idea whats going on either? And I guess I was right-"

The skeleton was gonna respond but was stopped having a large light get shined on them.

Hello! There diffrent au's of killer! I KNOW you must be wondering how the hell did you get here~ well you have been brought here shits and giggles and to also answer questions~

Since there is four of you you will be given nicknames!

Of course original killer will just be called killer!

But empireverse killer will be named Empire~

Naj killer just call him Naj

And lastly underlust Killer will be called lust.k

And if you dont like the names? Make up something better...

Anyway have fun~

"Great... I just wanted to sleep And now I have to do this-"

Killer groaned out only to flinch as he felt an arm on his shoulder he looked back a saw empire.

"Relax killer~ empire is here to make you feel better~ also whats so wrong about answering questions"

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