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Ship: Cross x killer x Nightmare

[Just lime no lemon]

Killer and cross were sat at the table of a resturant, It was soo werid since it was there frist date. Dont get it wrong both cross and killer liked each other but then again frist date.

Killer and cross started there conversation, making a few jokes already had there order in place.

"And then epic- uh... ssorry I-"

Before killer could ask cross got up amd looked at his phone.

"Must be serious...?"
Killer thought to as looked around the restaurant the place was quite nice.

Killer looked at all the monsters and then looked back again as he saw nightamare?!

Killer stared in disbelif a little confused what his boss was doing here?!
Before killer could question himself, cross came back sitting down basically having his back turned to nightmare.

"Yeah, Sorry I just had to deal with chara being a little shit-"

"Oh? Was that it?"

"Pfft- yeah anyway? So were was I? OH RIGHT!"

Cross continued with his story as killer listen, but killer suddenly felt werid? He glance back at the restaurant again to see nightmare looking at him?

Nightmare just smile as he pointed at killer then to him self to then lifted up his hand placing it in a fist, and moving it up and down to his mouth making the gesture of sucking a dick.

Killer eyes widen his face going completely red, blush.

"Yo killer something wrong? Your face is red as hell"

"What the-"
Killer blurted out.

After sevral hours of fucking, beer and threesomes [poor killer] the three boys had enough and slept waking in the morning.

Killer slowly opened his eyes, man he felt bad right now like really bad, but all killer could see was a bed and honestly that was better than anything else.

"Oh... thanks good that was just a werid wet dream"

"Ha, You really think It was all a dream~"

"Nightmare you gay motherfucke--"

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