Date gone wrong, really wrong.

404 19 4

Ship: Kross, horrorkill, Nightkiller, and  fluffyNight.

Type: angst and fluff

Killer froze in place, Staring into the cold eyes of Nightmare. He himself shocked to see killer in a place like this, Nightmare wanted to say something but was dragged away by a cute skeleton.

Killer just watched them walk away, looking back at the resturant infront of him. "Luna de rosa".

A resturant killer knew very well, His ex boyfriend cross works here. "Isnt it pretty! I know its a bit over board but I want to take you out, somewhere nice?"

Killer faked a smile, and turned to horror. Hiding the fear he was feeling due to the montsers of his past. "Thank horror, Its been awhile since Ive been on a date-" killer whispered, leaning closer into.

"You sure? Your face is red." Horror asked, placing his hand on killer's head, Killer smiled, letting out a small chuckle. "Im fine horror, Its been awhile since Ive been on a date-" killer whispered as he leaned on to horror.

Tonight will be intresrting to say the least...

Horror Chuckled, as killer wrapped his hands around his for arm. As the two walked towards the Werdiest Night of thier lives.

The two walked in hand and hand, there was a small Line, due to some staffing issue but it would be solved.

Lobby was nice, the line consisted on 3 couple... Horror and killer, Nightmare and the Other skeleton and Asgore and gaster.

Killer let out a small sigh, all the memories of this place rushing to him. And cross...

"No! Your on a date with horror-" killer internally yelled. Killer looked up at horror, he had been staring down at killer, once thier eyes met horror gave him a smile. Killer smiled back, blushing a bit. Hugging onto horrors arm a little more.

Killer looked away, looking infront of him. The back of Nightmare and the mystery skeleton, the two were also hand in hand.

Killer felt werid.... why?

The history between Killer and Nightmare, the two use to be childhood best freinds but a rejection ruined thier friendship.

After high school the two drifted apart... they had unfinsihed conflick.

"Asgore, please follow me" a voice spoke, snapping killer away from his thoughts.

Asgore and gaster walked away with the host, a second host replaced the last. "Nightmare joku? Please follow me" the host spoke, allowing the two to pass.  just as the two walked away, Nightmare looked back at killer, his eyes were sad..

Killer froze, "what..." killer whispered yelled.

"You ok kills?" Horror asked, tugging at killer?

"No..." killer blurted out, as the third host walked in.


"Horror right? Come with-- me....." cross froze as he stared at killer and killer stared back. Horror was confused, looking at cross and then back at killer.

Horror put his mind together, he looked down at killer, he was uncomfortable.
horror leaned down to killer, "should we leave?" horror whispered. Killer just nodded.

Killer was about to turn around but was suprised as he felt his body get lifted up. Horror lifted him up bridal style, cross looked back at killer, hurt and jealousy in his eyes. Killer felt so much emotions, he was flustered and sad all at the same.
"Sorry, you have the wrong name! We entered the wrong resturnat" Horror happily spoke as he turned around and walked towards the door.

"Wait-- I--" Cross whispered, unable to say anything.

Part 2 coming soon.

Horror and killer fuck then Nightmare gets mad and the fucks killer then Cross gets mad and fucks. /j

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