Smoky Biting

410 16 10

Ship: Duller

Type: Fluff

Au: Human au/collage au

Dust walked down the road of his collage town, he hated this town. It was so boring, so plain. Such a nice town to raise a family in but that meant nothing to dust... the only reason he was here was to get a degree, And have some fun~ If you know what I mean.

But no girl in this dam collage has caught his intrest... well one did, but she was a he.

Dust walked into the store, place a 2 dollar on the counter. "I need a lighter" was all dust said, the shop keeper nodded. Sliding down the lighter, dust grabbed it and walked out.

Dust lit his cigarette, huffing a huge puff. "Am I gay?" Dust asked himself as he walked toward the dorm.
"Am I gay for killer?" dust thought closing his eyes. Most memories he had of killer, most were just annoying him.

"Dam... I have horrible taste-" dust chuckled recalling all the time killer would leave the sink full of plates, and Killer begging Dust to copy his home work.

"Than again? He can be cute at time... mostly when he's quite-" Dust smiled remembering all the times killer was lean on him, and all the times killer were sleeping. "He always had such a cute face when he slept... but point- I like killer more when he tells me about his day... I am gay huh?" Dust whispered, standing infront of his dorm room. He reached for his key and opened it and was met with killer watching a movie. He had not notice dust opened the door, Dust said nothing and just stared at him.

"I also have a biting kink... his neck is too, clear?"


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