Nice Cock

460 20 8

Ship: Killer x Everyone.
Lust x Everyone

Type: lime + funny shit.

Au: Collage Au and Human Au

"Who do you think has the largest cock? Horror or Error." Lust randomly asked, pausing the movie Him and killer were watching.

"Gay much?"

"Ima Fuckin stripper?? And Your bisexual-" lust yelled, as he unpaused the movie. The two skeletons stayed quite, watching the movie blank.

"It has to be Error Right?" Killer said, turning to lust. Lust let out a small smirk and thought for a moment.

"Nah... Horror on the other hand-"

"That's the Obvious pick-"

"I mean do you see how tall and large he is?? His fingers are so large, I mean people have cocks as big as his fingers." Lust yelled, the two staring back at the tv.

"Ok. What about Nightmare?" Killer asked turning back to lust, lust paused for a minute.

"Hm... Your not wrong? Those emo guys are always hunged-"

"What about sport guys? Think about cross or blue?"

"Cross~ Your right, holy shit!" Lust said outloud, the two went silent again.

"Dream?" Lust asked, before the two looked at eachother and nodded no.

"Dream is a bottom... No way!"

"I mean.... Twinks can be tops?"

"No way lust, have you met Dream?"

"True True...

Again, back to the tv...

"Ink? And Fresh..." killer asked outloud.

"Fresh... despite how tall he is, I dont think Freshs cock is that large- Ink on the other hand... maybe thats why he likes to wear baggy pants all the time~"

"Pft- Did not expect that but I see the logic-"



"Dust... is a weird-- That man has 100% have a sadist-" lust said out of no where, for some reason it made killer laugh.

"What am I wrong?"

"Your not but... The way you said it-"
Kille chuckled some more, as Lust rolled his eyes.

"Quick kinks You think all our friends would have-"

"Oh~ well Horror 100% as a biting kink!"

"Hm... Error is into bondage-"

"100% percent agreed. Cross is into skanky dressing, I always over hear his convos with epic and He loves when girl dress up in sexy outfits."

"Really? Didn't know that-- well Nightmare, has told me he likes to degrade the people he sleeps with?"

" degrading kink~ that means dream likes to get prasied-"

"Ok.... blue?"

"No idea... That man is a zipped when it comes to his love life."

"Ya'll are werid--"

Lust and Killer turned to the voice, quickly rolling thier eyes in process. It was lust's roomate Bird sans.

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