A Nightmare lovin U pt.2

198 16 12

Ship: passive/Killermare

Type: angst (?) And Fluff

Most monster would have just ingored the note and package, red flags and all but... Idk maybe Im the problem.

I just wanted to have fun.

Worst mistake of my life

Killer walked pass the kids and couple of the park. Nothing new, the park was a hive mine of positivity.

But killer didn't care about that, all he care was about a rose bush. Ironiclly the only rose bush in the park, the flower stuck out like a sour thumb.

Killer looked around unsure what to expect. Trying to find who fit the name "Nightmare" . Killer sat down on a bench next to the flower, waiting.

"This is most likely a prank... welp- At least the park is Nice?" Killer thought as he looked back at the flowers.

I wonder what would have happened if I walked away, right there and then.

"Uh... killer?" A voice asked, which startled killer. Quickly turning to it and he was met with a.... tall skeleton.

Killer froze as he stared up at the skeleton that towered over him, Four tendril followed behind him.

"Darlin~ how have you been doin?" Nightmare said, sitting down next to the killer.

Killer just stared, still in shock!? "Aint no way that is Nightmare, Im being fuck with-" killer internally yelled as Nightmare just smiled at him.

"Uh....Nightmare? Right-" killer asked confused? This man was way too handsome, he was waiting for the cameras... Still something felt familiar about him.

"Hm? You don't know me?" Nightmare asked a little sad, killer shook his head no.

"Well... let me introduce you, Im your husband!" Nightmare spoke, as killer scrunch his face in confusion?? Did he hear that right...


"I know it a lot to take in, but do understand that I could provide you with everything you need."

"But Im..."

"But I don't want to overwhelm you, so Lets start off slow. After

"Wait!!" Killer yelled, which stopped Nightnare.

"Ok.... who are you? How do you know me- and Are you sure Im the killer your talking about?" Killer asked, staring at Nightmare. Nightmare let out a small sigh, his eyes soften and a smile formed. He held out his hand for killer, killer looked at it, then back at Nightmare it was pretty obvious what Nightmare wanted and killer reluctantly placed his hand onto Nightmares palm.

"Do you remeber Nightmare form Icj middle school? I changed alot but I was the small skeleton with the large purple glasses" Nightmare explained, and killer pasued the memories of that skeleton.

Nightmare... we would was always made fun of. Killer remebered his twin, the two skeletons had large matching glasses, despite that Nightmare was always bullied.

Killer alway notice the skeletons ate alone, one day killer decided to eat with him and from thier they had a cute friendship until Nightmare moved away the second year.

Killer had forgtten about Nightmare.... never did he think he would see the kid again. So shy so small, now look at him.

"Your... Nightmare? Man You have changed but-- when did I say-" 

"You always told you'd marry me and we could live a happy life together, To give you best life I became stronger and richer. For its the least I owe you."

"Owe me? Nightmare.... I--"

"I know this is alot to handle but, I'll be the best husband anyone could be" Nightmare stated, as he grabbed a box from his back pocket.

Before killer could think, a ruby gold run was on his finger and people were clapping for him. Nightmare held onto Killer, they looked... so Normal.

Maybe I was just shocked? I mean who wouldn't be. Never did I think kindness would fuck me over so much.

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