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"Hey Joe!" Jeremiah says as he and his twin, Jon, sits at the table.

"Hey guys, what's in store for you guys tonight?" I ask.

"We verse the Rhodes brothers" Jon responds. "You?"

"Just interrupting Seth's match against Randy." I shrug.

"Cool. So you hear Rock is coming to FastLane?" Jeremiah asks.

"Yeah. He's suppose to walk out with me." I answer. "Haven't seen him since the wedding" I add.

"Lucky" Jon smiles.

"Hell, he ain't lucky! He has to share the spotlight with Dawyne" Jeremiah corrects.

"True" I add.

"So Trin was watching this pageant thing on tv and she wanted to know if you had a niece or something named Lalelei?" Jon asks.

"No, I don't think so. Why?" I ask. Seth and Dean then come over and join us.

"Oh she had the same last name as you, Anoi'a" he explains.

"Who?" Dean asks.

"This chick" Jon says. Trin joins us as well.

"Hey babe." Trin smiles at Jon.

"Show them the girl" Jon says to her. She grabs her phone and shows us the girl. She is beautiful.

"She's hot" Dean says.

"Ew Dean! She looks kind of like little Jojo" Jeremiah says.

"Yeah, Jeres right" Seth agrees.

"Huh. How old is she?" I ask, staring at the photo.

"She has to be at least 18 to participate." Trin responds. "She won it too. Miss Hawaii" she adds.

"Doesn't Juila live in Hawaii?" Jeremiah asks.

"Yeah I think so." I think. Yeah, she does because I met her in Hawaii over a summer vacation.

"Juila is the first girl you slept with, right?" Dean asked.

"Yep." I nod.

"Hmmmm? So this chick could possibly be your daughter?" Seth asks.

"She said she doesn't know who her dad is" Trin points out.

"I.... I... I gotta go" I stammer. I run off into my locker room.

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