Tampa Florida

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"Joelle!" I yell. That girl has been getting into all my stuff. Ugh!

"Yes Lale." She smiles innocently at the door.

"Do you know where my mascara is?" I ask.

"What's mascara?"

"It's what I put on my eyelashes. The bottle is orange." I explain.

"Oh. That. I put it in the dishwasher. It was dirty." she answers.

"What? Joelle!" I grrr. I run downstairs to the kitchen. And sure enough the dishwasher was going. I open the door and yep my mascara ruined. And the ink everywhere.

"Oo it's not black anymore!" Joelle glees.

"That was the ink. You don't put this in the dishwasher. You just ruined everything!" I explain. I throw the tube of mascara away.

"Sorwry. I didn't know." Joelle pouts.

"Just stay out of my stuff next time." I state before I walk back to my room. In three days my pageant begins. And I am so not ready. I still need to go find my perfect dress and now I need to go buy a new thing of mascara.

'Knock knock'

"Hey um did you yell at Joelle?" Galina asks.

"She put my mascara in the dishwasher!" I explain.

"She's just a little girl. She didn't know. You need to apologize." Galina replies.

"I need to go find my dress for the pageant Friday." I answer.

"Then take Joelle with you."

"Ugh, why?" I groan.

"Because your her big sister and she looks up to you. She thinks that you don't like her." she explains.

"Fine. But the rule is that she has to try on a dress." I warn.

"She loves dresses" Galina smiles.
"Ooo I like that dress!" Joelle glees as she runs over to this pink sparkly princess dress.

"I hate pink dresses." I smile at her.

"How are we even sisters?!?" she gasps. Then giggles.

"How bout you try it on?" I suggest as I dig to find one her size.

"No! I want the same dress as you!" Joelle whines.

"Alright. Let's look some more." Then we continue to search for the perfect dress. And then I see it. A strapless black and nude lace dress cut in the front and long in the back.

"That's pretty!" Joelle smiles at it.

"Yeah it is. Let's find our sizes." I reply. We begin digging thru the rack till I found my size and she found hers. We then went to the fitting rooms and tried them on.
"Daddy!" Joelle shouts as she runs out of the car and to dad.

"Hey there's my princesses!" He smiles as he picks her up.

"We went dress shopping and Lale bought me a dress so we can match!" she smiles.

"You didn't have to Lale." Roman says to me.

"I know but the dress was beautiful." I explain. I open the bag and he peaks in.

"Take it back now! Non of my girls are ever wearing that!" he demands.

"But daddy!" Joelle whines.

"No I'm serious!" he replies.

"Your mean daddy! I don't like you anymore!" Joelle pouts. She wiggles out of his grasp and runs inside.

"I didn't get her the same dress. Hers is just black and sparkly." I explain as I walk inside. He follows.

"Your taking yours back, right?" he asks.

"Nope. I have to wear this for the pageant Friday. Are you going?"

"Yes. We all are." he answers.

"Who's all?" I ask. I am so used to it just being me and my mom.

"Well, the whole family. And Seth and Dean." he laughs.

"Oh." I shrug.

"Lale! I wanna show Sethie and Dweanie my dress!" Joelle shouts. I roll my eyes and head into the living room.

"Hey Lale." Seth waves. Dean instantly smiles.

"Hey Seth." I wave back.

"So how does this how pageant thing work?" Seth asks.

"Day one they announce who's who. Then onto the talent. And then you do questions." I explain.

"Oh so that's it?" Dean asks. "No swimwear portion?"

"That's on Day two. Also with theme wear and beauty. And the third day is when they crown."I laugh.

"Speaking of swimwear. We're heading to the beach if you wanna join" dad mentioned. I now feel comfortable to call him dad.

"Nah, I have to go pick up Jake in a little bit." I shrug. "Maybe later"

"Who's Jake?" Joelle asks. "Is he your boyfriend?!?!"

"Yeah" I smile. Dad groans and Dean frowns. "I should go anyways. His flight is probably landing now." I go and drop my stuff in my room and then go to my car. But Dean is leaning against it.

"Your going in that?" He smirks.

"Umm yeah?"

"Wow you must really not like him!" Dean laughs.

"He saw me look worse" I sneer. "Now get off my car so I can leave."

"Make me" I push him off and he falls to the ground. "The fuck! You're a girl! You shouldn't be that strong!" he whines like a little girl.

"Just because I'm pretty doesn't make me weak. Asshole!" I smirk as I walk over him to the driver side. I get in and drive off.

My Long Lost DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now