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"Tag!" I shout across the mat. I'm in a tag team match with Sara and we are versing the two girls who insulted us earlier, Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair. But Bayley is ringside cheering me and Sara on.

"Come on Sara!" Bayley shouts as she pounds on the mat. "You can do it!" Then Sara elbows Sasha in the face and runs over to me. We tag and I hop onto the top turnbuckle and do a flying spear to Sasha. Then Sara and Bayley ran over and held onto Charlotte as I pinned the NXT Diva's Champ. Then the ref rang the bell signaling that we won. Bayley and Sara run into the ring and we celebrate our win. Sasha rolls out of the ring and grab a mic. Charlotte holds her up.

"You three really think you can get away with this. You are dead wrong!" Sasha growls. Bayley then grabs another mic.

"You want s'mores? Huh?" Bayley smiles at her.

"Shut up Bayley! That doesn't even make any sense!" Charlotte says.

"You know what makes perfect sense? Me beating your little friend's ass for that title!" I smirk into the mic Bayley handed me. I drop it as Charlotte and Sasha jump into the ring. Bayley, Sara, and I attack. Then some other chick, Summer I think, runs out to help Charlotte and Sasha. They retreat after me and Sara kick them out of the ring. We pick up Bayley and head back stage.

"Oh my god! That was so amazing!" Sara squeals.

"I know! We get to do that stuff every week!" Bayley joins in the squealing.

"I liked the beating people up part." I try to join in. Then my phone rings. Great it's my dad. "I gotta take this." I tell them as I walk away from them. I answer.

"Why the hell were you on NXT and didn't tell me!?!?!" - Roman.
"Sorry it slipped my mind. So? How was I?" -Lale.
"Amazing. But don't you dare try spearing someone again! That's my move!" -Roman
"But you told Joelle that sharing was fun!"- Lale.
"Hey! Don't use my words against me!"-Roman.
"Sorry dad"- Lale.
"I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work."- Roman.
"Thanks. Love you dad!" -Lale.
"Love you to princess"- Roman.

"Your dad saw our match?" Sara asks as she walks over to me.

"Yeah." I smile.

"What did he say?" she asks.

"He said I couldn't spear people. That's his move." I smile. "Other than that. He loved it."

"Yay!"Sara squealed.

"Oh umm. Is it cool if we don't tell people about Roman being my dad? I don't want special treatment." I ask my new best friend.

"Sure. That's all up to you." Sara shrugs. Then I hug her.

"Your my new best friend!" I squeal.

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