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My phone buzzed so I grab it. And look. Galina sent me the most adorable picture. My two little princesses sleeping on the couch.

"Hey Rome!" Dean smiles at me.

"Hey. What's up?" I ask as I put my phone back in my pocket.

" I might be getting a shot at the tittle after Mania!" the Ohioan gleams.

"Really now? Cause I was told the same thing." I explain. I am so confused.

"Huh? Maybe they have something big planed. Let's just wait a see big guy." Dean shrugs.

"Bros for life?" I ask a I put my fist out. He punches it back with his signature smirk.

"Sup guys." Seth says as he jogs over.

"Just talking about what's going down after Mania" I shrug.

"Sweet. But Ro. I need to ask if we're bros for life?" Seth asks.

"Always bros. Why what's up?" I ask. Out of the corner of my eye, Dean looks a bit angry at Seth.

"Cause at Mania I'm scheduled to do something. And I want to make sure that you'll always love me. Also Dean has a crush on Lale." Seth explains.

"Thanks for the heads up about Mania. And Dean?" I turn to face the lunatic. "Stay the HELL AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!" I warn him. He nods with fear in his eyes. Good. Cause nobody is gonna be touching my daughter. Neither one of them. I'm still a bit angry at that Jake kid. He messed with the wrong Samoan.

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