Match Ups

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Just because you guys are amazing and I love you so much, you get an extra update! 😜
Starting the match was Sara and Charlotte. So far Charlotte has had the upper hand. I look over and Bayley looked ready.

"Bay. We're gotta do something!" I whisper.

"I'll distract Char while you tag in."Bayley replies. I nod as my tag partner hops off the apron and grabs Summer's legs out from under her. Sasha jumps off and tries to get Bayley off of Summer. Charlotte sees and stops to go help out her teammates. Sara was in the corner catching her breath. The ref saw the tag I made. I Dirty Deeds Charlotte and pin her. The bell rings and the ref raises my hand. Bayley joins me and we hug. Sara on the other hand slaps me.

"I had this!" Sara shouts. "I didn't need your help!" she added before she attacked me. Good thing I know how to defend myself so I counted on her and attack her. Bayley gpicks me up off of the trader and we go backstage.

"Lale. What just happened out there?" Renee Young asks. A camera guy was filming and she had her mic.

"Renee what you and everyone else saw was the beginning." Bayley answers for me.

"The beginning of?" Renee asks.

"It's just the beginning Renee." I reply before pushing the microphone away and walking off. I seriously don't want to talk right now to anyone. But one person. And he knows who he is.
Author's Note:
I am VERY upset at what happened to Dean Ambrose on Smackdown. Thankfully the guy was arrested and Dean is ok. But still! It should not have happened to him or anyone for that matter! He didn't do anything to deserve that. But I guess "everything happens for a reason." 😭

On the brighter side of things. I recently read one of the most amazing fanfic on here. And I feel like I should share this awesomeness with you guys. A Chink in the Armor by @LillieGuinuess (the link--->>

Don't be afraid to check out my other stories and to ask me to read yours. I'll gladly tell you my opinion, if you want it. And FYI I won't lie or sugar coat it. Love you guys! Thank you for reading! 😜

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