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"Great job Rome" I smile at my dad.

"Thanks. Where are you staying tonight?" He asks.

"Me and Sasha are staying at a hotel." I answer.

"Why don't you girls just come and stay at the house." Roman offers.

"Sure." I smile.

"Hey Lale. I just realized. How you can you be Miss Hawaii if you don't live in Hawaii anymore?" Sasha questions.

"Shit! Now I won't be able to do Miss America next week!" I groan.

"Don't worry. I called and talked to one of the directors." Galina smiled. "And she said that you can still participate as long as you are living in America."

"You are the best!" I smile.

"Mommy is Lale going home with us?" Joelle asks.

"Yeah she's going to be staying with us for awhile." Galina answers.

"Yay!" Joelle cheers.
Dean's POV

"Dude. Why are you here? You always go out and drink." Seth questions me.

"Chill. I'm just really tired." I reply.

"Uh huh" Seth chuckles. "What's going on?"

"I can't stop thinking about Lale. Ever since she knocked me down with that surf board." I explain.

"Dude! That's Roman's fucking daughter! Stop thinking about her!" Seth freaks.

"I know. I just.. I just can't help it. Do you think he'll get pissed if I ask her out?"

"He will fucking kill you!" Seth smirks.

"I think I can out run him." I smirk back.

"You have a death wish don't ya?" Seth shakes his head and walks off to bed.

My Long Lost DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now