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I finally convinced my dad to let me come to Smakdown. I can walk somewhat.

"Hey Rome!" Dean smiles. "Lale!" He smiles even bigger.

"What we have for tonight?" Dad asks him.

"We have a match. Me and you verse slimball and toothpaste." Dean nods.

"Stop calling me slimball Dean!" Seth mentions as he walks over.

"What do you want Seth?" my dad sighed, annoyed.

"I just wanted to make sure Lale got my message." Seth says.

"What message?" Dean questions.They all look at me.

No Seth. I put up my white board.

"Oh so your just not gonna talk to me. That's fine!" Seth storms away.

"Lale! You're here!" Emma runs over and hugs me. I hug her back. "Bayley told me everything!" she says in front of my dad and Dean. They both give me a weird look. "Oh! Whoopsies! Come on! We'll talk in the locker room. Bye guys!" Emma blushes. Then she drags me to the divas locker room.

"Hi Lale."Becky smiles at me in the locker room.


"Still can't talk yet?" Becky asks. I nod. "Ah. Well you don't need a voice to wrestle. So you'll be able to kick Sasha's ass for the title!" Becky says.

JBL scheduled another battle royal for the new contender. I frown.

"That asshole!" Becky flips.

At least you don't have to deal with him anymore. I point out.

"True. But you deserve that shot. He can't take it away from you.

Do you guys know if Seth knew about my crash?

"Girl everyone knew about it! Word travels fast around here." Emma pitches in.

"Yeah. Like rumor has it you and Seth got freaky." Becky chuckles.

We just kissed!

"Yeah. It was with Dean." Emma corrects.

"The Dean Ambrose?!?!" Becky shouted.

Shhhhh! If my dad found out. We both would be dead!

"Give us details! Pronto!" Becky sat in front of me. Emma joined.

I don't have enough room on this thing.

"So?" Emma shrugged. I roll my eyes and write.

It was amazing! But I feel bad that I kissed Seth afterwards. I didn't mean too. It just happened. I show them.

"He's back with Leigh!" Becky says.

"He is?" Emma asks her as I wipe the board to write more.

"Yeah. Leigh is my older sister." Becky sighs.

"Oh. You seem disappointed by that?" Emma points out.

"Because Seth was my ex. Back in FCW. He cheated on me with her." Becky explains.

Then he texted me. And sorry Becs. Your sister seems like a bitch.

"She is! But what did he text you?" Becky replies. I show them the messages.

Then when he saw me today. He asked if I got it. I wrote no. And he flipped.

"That why you asked if he knew about the accident?" Emma asks. I nod. Then a knock came to the door.

"I'll get it!" Becky says as she walks over to the door. She opens it and has a quiet conversation with who ever it was. Then she comes back in. "For you." she smiles as she hands me a folded up paper. I open it and read it.

Lale, I made a terrible mistake. I'm sorry. I thought the rumor was true. It wasn't. But I regret what I did. I think I'm in love you. -DA

"Awe! I'm so team Dale now!" Emma awes.

"What did that lunatic do now?" Becky frowns.

I think I'm in love with him too. I hold back tears.

"Well stop moping around here. And go get your man!" Emma demands. I run out looking for him. I see him getting ready for his match. I reach him and he looks up.

"Lale?" he questions. I just kiss him. I don't care who's looking. Or who's around. I'm kissing my lunatic. When I pull away I have the urge to speak.

"I think I'm in love with you too." I whisper. Then he kisses me. Suddenly he is ripped away from me. Dad starts beating the shit out of him. "Dad stop!" I cry trying to hold my dad back. Some wrestlers that were around help get my vivid dad off Dean. When my dad sees me crying he calms a bit.

"Rome, I'm sorry but I love your daughter." Dean tells him. My dad looks at me. I nod and smile a little.

"You better not be lying to me now." dad sighs.

My Long Lost DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now