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"EPPP HOTTNESS!" Sasha squeals as we roam the hallways of FastLane.

"Sasha, calm your self. They are just normal people" I chuckle at my friend.

"Normal people are not this hot!" she argues. "Anyways, where are we headed?"

"Roman Regins's locker room." I explain. "It feels so weird calling him that." I shiver.

"So call him dad. Or Mr. Hotness-monster" Sasha replies.

"I am not calling him that! And besides it seems weird to call him dad."

"Whateves. I'm going to call him Mr. Hotness-monster." Sasha smirks. I roll my eyes and continue walking.

"Excuse me, ladies. Can I help you?" This really tan man with spiked hair asks.

"Um yeah. Do you know where Roman Reigns's locker room is?" I ask politely.

"Yeah. It's just down there. It's like the second to last room. I'm Zack Ryder by the way" he smiles.

"I'm Sasha and this is Lalelei." Sasha grins at the hottie.

"Well ladies. It's great to meet you both. But I don't want to keep you from Ro. Have a nice night." He smiles and then walks away.

"Wait Zack!" Sasha says. Then she looks at me. I nod and she runs off with Zack Ryder. I continue down the hallway until I reach his door. I take one deep breath and knock. A little girl, probably around six, opens the door.

"Hi! I'm Joelle. What's your name? You're pretty!" she smiles.

"Umm hi. Is this Roman's room?" I ask confused.

"Yep. Daddy! Someone's here!" She shouts. Then he walks over and sees me.

"Lalelei" he says. "Come in." he lets me in and there is the two guys from the beach and two other women.

"Hey! Your the chick from the beach!" The curly-blonde haired guy shouts.

"I have a name" I chuckle.

"Sorry. Lalelei, this is Dean and Seth. That's Leigh. And Galina and Joelle." Roman, er I mean my dad, points. "Guys this Lalelei." He smiles at them.

"Just call me Lale." I smile.

"It was nice meeting you Lale. But we should go. Come on Seth." Leigh smiles.

"Alright." he groans. "Coming Ambrose?"

"Three way time? Hell yeah!" Dean smirks.

"No way in hell!" Seth says.

"Well I tried" Dean shrugs and then they left.

"Sorry Dean is always like that." Galina smiles. "So Joe tells me that you like to surf?"

"Um yeah." I smile.

"Daddy I wanna go surfin!" Joelle begs.

"No sweetie. It's too dangerous" her dad, err our dad, answers. I really need to figure out what to call him.

"Actually it's not that dangerous. It's just as dangerous as walking on the street." I explain.

"Knock knock. Your favorite cousin is here!" This guy sings as he comes into the room. I turn and it's The Rock! So glad Sasha isn't here. She would be a nightmare. "Who's this cutie?" He asks.

"My daughter, Lalelei." Roman/Joe/dad answers.

"Ah she looks a lot like little Jojo. Hi I'm Dwayne. Your cousin." He smiles at me.

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