First Date

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"Dean! Put me down!!" I laugh as the lunatic carries me on his shoulder.

"Nope. You're walking too slow!" He replies.

"Because I was in a car accident! Stupid!" I remind.

"Don't call me stupid!" He grumbles. He sits me down.

"Thank you! Now where are you taking me?" I ask as we get in the car.

"To the beach. You're teaching me how to surf." Dean explains as he begins to drive.

"Dean it's super late. I'm not teaching you!" I sigh.

"It's not that late."he shrugs.

"Dean! It's pitch black out! No!" I argue.

"Fine. Tomorrow" he caves.

"Can't. I have NXT?" I remind.

"Wow! You're truly Roman's kid. You don't stop." Dean chuckles.

"And we can't stop. And we won't stop." I sing.

"Really? You have to ruin the moment?" Dean asks.

"I love Miley!" I tell him.

"What is wrong with you?!?!" he jokes.
"So what was the mistake you made?" I ask after we ordered.

"What are you talking about?" Dean questions.

"The note? You said that you made a terrible mistake because of some rumor?" I remind.

"Oh that!" He remembers. "We don't have to talk about that." He shrugs it off.

"But I want to talk about it." I respond.

"Well I don't." he snaps.

"Dean." I warn.

"Fine. I fucking slept with some chick!" he throws his hands up.

"Ok." I say before I take a drink of my water.

"Are you fucking serious?" He flips. I look at him. "Your fucking ok with that? You don't even care?" He adds.

"Dean. I have to be. We weren't together then. I can't say anything to you about it." I explain.

"So the rumor was true? You fucking slept with Seth?!?!" he snaps.

"No. I didn't sleep with Seth. I kissed him. But I didn't sleep with him." I correct.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!?! You kissed that asshole?!?!" he shouts. He stands up flips the table over. "We're done." Dean adds before he leaves. I quickly pay for the damage and try to catch up with him.

"Dean!" I cry. But it was too late. He sped away. I cry as I grab my phone and shakily type in a number. "Can you come get me?"

"Yeah. I'll be right there." he responds. I put my phone back in my pocket and sit. I cry as I wait for him to come get me. Beep beep beep. I open my eyes in confusion. That was the weirdest dream. Was it a dream?

"You're still in bed?" dad chuckles at the open door.

"So it was a dream!" I smile to myself.

"Lale. Just get ready." dad rolls his eyes and walks away. I get up and quickly get dressed.

Hehe! You only get this chapter today. And who did Lale call? Sorry for getting all your hopes up. Enjoy the rest of this fabulous Monday! 😜

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