Bayley Mad

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"Lalelei Maria Anoa'i! Why the hell did you tell Randy about Neville?!?!" Bayley jumps on me at NXT.

"I thought he knew!" I defend.

"No! He's an overprotective big brother. I don't tell him about my dating life." Bayley explains.

"Oh. Sorry. What happened?" I ask.

"He IED on him. Now Neville is injured and can't compete." Bayley explains.

"I am terribly sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." I apologize.

"It's ok. So I saw you on Raw last night. Fun?" she nudges.

"Emma and Paige picked out ship names. Emma is team Sale while Paige is team Dale." I sigh.

"And what team are you?" Bayley smirks.

"I don't know." I frown.

"I'm guessing your team Dale hence the t-shirt." she points.

"Shit up" I blush. We start walking towards the board with who's versing who tonight.

"Sweet we're in a match together!" Bayley smiles.

"It's me, you, and Sara verse Sasha, Charlotte, and Summer. Great." I read.

"Lale right?" Summer walks over.

"Yeah?" I smile.

"I'm Summer. I saw your match last week and wow. You're incredible. I hope our match does good." she explains.

"I'm sure it will Summer."

"I hope so. If this match goes good, I might get a shot at the title." Summer explains as she tosses her hair back.

"Having a good match won't get you a shot at the title. If you deserve it, you'll get one without having to sleep your way to it!" Bayley snaps.

"Wow Bayley. Wasn't talking to you. But obviously that must be why you're still stuck here." Summer states.

"We'll see you in the ring Summer" I say quickly as I drag Bayley away from her.

"Thanks for getting me outta there." Bayley calms down.

"I'm guessing you don't like her."

"She was sleeping with my brother while he was married!" Bayley shouts.

"Oh." I frown.

"And then 'dumped' him when he left Samantha for her. Who by the way was pregnant with my little niece!" Bayley rants.

"Summer was prego?!?!" I ask, shocked.

"No Samantha was!" Bayley laughs.

"Oh. I knew that." I giggle. Bayley hugs me.

"You make Bayley not mad anymore!" Bayley smiles.

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