My Mania Moment

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Warning! Feelsville up ahead!
Lale's POV
Tonight is the night. The night I confront him. I think to myself as I wonder down the halls of Wrestle Mania.

"Lale!" Paige smiles at me.

"Paige!" I smile back.

"Awesome match last night! You are so gonna get that title!" Paige hugs me.

"Thanks." I hug back.

"Bayley told me what team your on. And I'm really disappointed in him! He won't answer your calls?" she frowns.

"Well, what can you expect? He doesn't understand electronics!" I shrug.

"I saw him down the hall that way. He was getting focused for his match tonight." Paige points.

"Thanks Paigey!" I smile. I head off to find my lunatic fringe.

Dean's POV
As I finish up wrapping my wrists, I feel someone tap me on my shoulder. I turn and it's Lale.

"You've been ignoring me!" she frowns.

"I lost my phone." I shrug.

"You never can keep track of things, can you?" she giggles.

"What were you trying to tell me?" I ask, trying to ignore the pain in my jeans.

"This." Then she kisses me. Luckily there was a closet nearby that we could duck into for more privacy. Wink wink.

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