My Mania Moment Part Two

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Seth's POV
"Sethie!" I hear a small girl's voice shout. I turn and sure enough. It's Joelle.

"Hey little brat!" I kneel down to her level.

"Lale won her match last night!" she smiles.

"I saw. She was amazing! Wasn't she?" I nod.

"Yep. And afterwards we watched Frozen! Hey when are you gonna watch it with me?" she pouts.

"I don't think anytime soon. Your daddy is pretty angry at me." I chuckle.

"Why?" Joelle asks.

"Uhhh. Because ummm...." I think. Then Roman walks over.

"Joelle there you are!" he glares at me. He picks up his daughter as I stand back up.

"Hey Rome." I smile at him.

"What I told you before applies for both of them." he grits.

"I told you nothing happened! Why can't you believe me?!?!" I explain, again, for the billionth time.

"Because of what happened with Leigh." he sighs. "Just stay away from my girls." he warns as he walks off with Joelle still in his arms. What happened with Leigh wasn't my fault. Sara just wouldn't leave me alone. She's a fucking psycho! I'm just really shocked that Vince would hire her. He knew all about what was going on. I told him. But Jamie. He thinks that his precious little girl wouldn't do something like that. So this is all just a lie. Whatever. I just hope it didn't ruin any chance that I have with Lale. I know Dean likes her. But ever since that kiss. Man! I just can't stop thinking about her. Where is she anyways?

"Hey Emma!" I smile at on of Lale's many friends.

"Hey Seth" she smiles back.

"Do you know where Lale is? I need to talk to her." I ask. She instantly smiled even more, if that was even possible.

"She is around here somewhere. I think she was looking for you. Or maybe she was.." The blonde thinks.

"Thanks." I nod as I walk off. I know exactly where she is.
Lale's POV
"I have to go. Good luck on your match." I say quickly as I fix my hair into a messy bun since it's a mess anyways.

"Find me afterwards?" Dean asks.

"Yes." I kiss his cheek and quickly leave the closest, bumping into the one and only, Seth Rollins.

"Hey there you are!" he smiles at me while Dean sneaks out of the closet.

"Yeah. Here I am!" I chuckle nervously.

"We need to talk" he says. I nod and we head to his locker room. "I haven't stopped thinking about that kiss!" he starts after he shut the door to his locker room.

"Um really? Cause a lot has happened since then." I stutter.

"Not anything as good as that was." he chuckles. "Anyways. I was wondering if you free tonight after Mania?" he blurts out.

"Umm just celebrating afterwards with my dad. He has that big match tonight for the tittle?" I remind him.

"Oh he won't be in the spirit tonight." he shrugs off.

"Why do you say that?" I stand, ready to defend my father.

"I just read what was on the sheet. That's all. So about tonight?" he asks.

"Ask Sara? According to her you two are a thing!" I snap. He stands up and gets in my face.

"I'm single because of that skank!" he growls. Then for some reason we kiss. What the hell Lale! You just fucking fucked Dean and now you're making out with Seth?!?! Freakin pick one!

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