Catching up

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I wake up and I'm in my own room. I must have fallen asleep and dad and Dean must have took me home.

"Morning Lale" Galina smiles at me as she comes in.

Morning. I smile back. I upgraded to a white board.

"You have a visitor. Can she come in?" Galina asks. I nod yes and she goes gets this mystery person.

"Lale! I'm so glad you're ok!" Bayley rushes to my bed.

Hey Bayley.

"Emma and Becky made it to the main roster! They debuted last night." Bayley glees.

Yay! I can wrestle as soon as I can walk on my own!

"Yay! Can't wait. But the sad news is. JBL took over and having another battle royal for who gets to take your number one contender match."Bayley sighs.

Hope you win. I frown.

"I hope you can be able to compete in it." my best friend corrects.

How's you and Neville?

"Great! He still likes me even though my brother hurt him." Bayley smiles. "How's you and Deano? Did you talk to him?" she adds.

Ummmm sort of.

"Sort of? Yes or no?" Bayley furrows her brows.

We had sex?!?!

"YOU TWO WHAT?!?!" Bayley shouts, causing Joelle to run in.

"What's wrong?" she jumps on the bed. I quickly erase what I previously wrote.

"Nothing. We're just gossiping." Bayley explains to the six year old.

"Oh. What's gossiping?" Joelle asks.

When people talk about other people. I explain.

"That's not nice!" Joelle points out.

"She meant that we talk about what's going on. So she's caught up." Bayley corrects.

"Oh." Joelle sighs. "Can I gossip too?" she asks.

"Sure. Go ahead Jojo." Bayley smiles.

"I have a boyfriend!" she whispers. "But don't tell daddy!"she adds.

What's his name?

"Alex." she giggles.

Ooo! I'm telling dad! I smirk at her.

"No! He'll beat up Alex!" she cries.

I'm kidding. Only because I might have one too.

"Might?!?! He better be!" Bayley rants. "He be all in your...." Thank god Galina cuts my dirty friend off.

"Joelle! Get ready! You're gonna be late for dance!" Galina stands impatiently at the door.

"Sorry mommy! Bye sissy!" Joelle carefully crawls over and hugs me. "Don't say anything to daddy about Alex!" she whispers. I nod and she runs out.

"Sorry Lale." Galina apologizes as she leaves to get Jojo ready.

"Now the rascal is gone. Why the hell would you sleep with Dean!" Bayley growls.

It just happened. But he was at the hospital with my dad. I write.

"At least he still likes you." she sighs.

Not for long. I kissed Seth afterwards.

"YOU WHAT!?!?!" Bayley screams.

I know. I know. I wasn't thinking!

"Umm. I wasn't going to say anything. But he's back with Leigh."Bayley explains.

When did THAT happen?

"I don't know. Just before Mania." Bayley shrugs. "And I could be wrong. I got it from an untrustworthy source."she adds.

Your brother?

"Yep. Well I should get going. I have a date with Neville." Bayley sings as she hops off the bed.

Be safe! And use protection! I quote.

"Haha! I will!" Bayley giggles as she lets herself out of the house. That's when I grab my phone to text him.

We shouldn't have done what we did Sunday.-Lale.
You regret it?-Seth.
I don't.-Seth.
I think I love you.-Seth.

Shit. I made the wrong guy fall in love. Or is he the right guy?

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