Tampa Florida

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"Ro, I really need your advice. Renee confirmed that were together without talking about it with me. I'm not ready for this shit. What should I do?" Dean rants.

"Just talk to her. Tell her the truth." I shrug.

"That's what Seth said! Woah check out that hottie!" Dean drools. I look out to where he pointed at. A girl out in the water surfing. Man she's incredible! Her surfing reminds me of Hawaii.

"There you guys are!" Seth jogs over to us. "What's up?" he asks.

"That surfer chick." Dean winks.

"What about Renee?" I ask.

"Uh. Who?" Dean asks. "Kidding. I'm gonna dump Renee. I'm so not the boyfriend type." he shrugs.

"Or just lazy to try" Seth jokes. Dean playfully pushes him causing them to wrestle around like little boys. After they stop, the surfer girl comes out of the water with her board. She stops near us and looks around for somebody. She sees the person and turns to walk towards them but hits me with her board.

"Sorry" she turns to apologize but knocks Dean onto the ground. "Sorry!" She adds.

"It's fine." Dean winks at her. "I get hit worse all the time. I'm a wrestler." he explains.

"So then you know when FastLane opens up?" She asks.

"Yep." Dean smiles. "You going to watch me win?"

"Nope. To meet my dad. He has some main event match thingy" she explains.

"Main event?" Seth asks. "Are you from Hawaii?" I nudge Seth with my elbow.

"Umm actually yeah. I am." She answers confused.

"Cause he's meeting his daughter tonight. And she's from Hawaii." Seth explains, pointing at me.

"Hey! You probably know his daughter!" Dean smiles.

"Is he always this idiotic?" She asks.

"Mostly" I shrug.

"Yo Lale! Hurry up!" Her friend shouts.

"Sorry. I should go. Sasha hates waiting." She explains. "See ya!" Then she runs off to her friend.

"Guess you just met your daughter." Seth smirks.

"Sorry bro, but your daughter is hot!" Dean comments. I slap him across the back of his head and then we head off to get ready for FastLane.
Lalelei's POV

"So who were those hotties?" Sasha giggles.

"My dad I think" I reply. "You really need to stop calling my dad hot."

"Cool. You met your dad. Now we can skip LastCane and go to this awesome beach club!" Sasha smiles.

"FastLane. And no. I want to official meet him. And I wanna watch the show." I groan.

"Fine. But I call dibs on your dad. He has one fine piece of..."

"Don't even!" I shout, cutting her off. "You are not coming with me! He is off limits!"

"ASS!" Sasha shouts.

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