Effects of Texting and Driving

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"Going to the beach" I tell my dad as I start to walk to the door.

"Wait. We have Raw tonight. So be back before three." Dad explains.

"I'll be in the water. But I'll try." I nod and then leave. I've been so busy that I haven't had much time to surf. I love surfing. It's fun and dangerous. And a perfect place to think. I really need that. Then it hit me. Like literally hit me......
Stranger's POV
I looked down for just one second! I promised myself that I wouldn't text and drive. The one time I do, I hit a beautiful young lady. I grab my phone, in my shakey hands, and dial 911. I tell them what happened and they send an ambulance and a police officer. I wait for them to arrive but I do go check on the girl.
"Miss are you ok?" I ask her. She doesn't answer but looks at me. You can clearly see the pain and sadness she probably hides. "Help is on the way. Try to hold on." I tell her. Once they get here. I back away so they can get her out. They take her to the hospital and allow me to ride with her.

"Miss, what is your name?" a nurse asks her on the way to the hospital. She tries to answer but can't speak."can you understand what I am saying?" the nurse asks. She nods yes. I feel so bad that I'm the one who put her like this. Then the ambulance pulls into the hospital. They take her out and rush her inside.

"Ma'am you need to stay out here in the waiting room." A nurse informs me. I go and sit in the waiting area.
Half an hour past before I see this large man run in to the receptionist. He says something and she points behind him. He storms over and sits. Worry clearly in his eyes. Then another man comes in. He comes over and sits next to the first guy. They start chatting. Me being noisy I have to listen.

"Rome, she's gonna make it." the second guy sighs. You can clearly see that he doesn't believe in his words either.

"What if she doesn't?!?" Rome, the first guy cries.

"She's a fighter. She'll make it through. Just believe in that." the second guy assures.

"I sure hope so Dean. I don't what I'll do if something happened to Lale." Rome sighs. Lale? As in Lalelei?

"I know Ro. You're like that with both your daughters." Dean, the second guy, chuckles while holding back his own tears. Then a doctor comes in.

"Family of Lalelei?" He asks. They both stand along with me. The three of us go to the doctor.

"Who are you?" Dean snaps at me.

"I was the one who saw the accident. I want to make sure she's gonna be ok." I explain to them.

"Right this way." The doctor escorts us to a more private room. "She's going to be fine. She has a minor vocal-cord-paralysis and a small concussion. She will have a difficult time walking for a bit but she's fine. Thankfully she called right away or it could have been worse." the doctor explains.

"Thanks doc. Can I go see my daughter now?" The first man asks.

"Yeah, she's in room 213." the doctor directs him. He and his friend, Dean, go see her. I don't. Instead the doctor escorts me to the police since it was my fault for the accident.

"What is your name Miss?" the officer asks.

"Cheyenne Morgan." I answer. "And it was my fault. I was texting and driving." I add.

"You do know texting and driving is a crime in the state of Florida?" The officer reminds. I nod my head yes. "Then you are under arrest for disobeying the law." he says as he handcuffs me. "You have the right....."
Author's POV
Just a FRIENDLY reminder that it's not cool to drive distracted! Drive safe. And text back later.😘😜😘

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