First day training

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"Are we done yet?" I whine.

"We just started. Man up and let's get to work." Sara pushes me. I roll my eyes and continue.
"Hey I'm sorry that I pushed you. I really get in the zone when I'm training." Sara apologizes during our quick water break.

"Don't be sorry. I really needed that push. I'm so used to everyone doing everything for me. It's time I do it myself." I shrug.

"So your not mad at me?" Sara asks. I nod. "Sweet! So glad we're friends" she smiles then hugs me.

"Stop your little love fest and get your asses in the ring!" Our trainer/coach shouts at us.

"Now he's a different story" I laugh. Sara nods. And then we head over.
"Why did I agree to this?!?!" I sigh as I plop down on my bed after practice.

"Sissy your home! We can play now!" Jojo squeals as she runs over and starts jumping on the bed.

"Ugh. Jojo. I'm tired." I explain.

"But I wanna play!" she whines.

"How bout we watch Frozen. And then we'll play?" I ask.

"Yay!"she glees. Then she grabs my hand and tries to drag me out of bed and into the living room. I let her so she feels accomplished. As the movie plays we both fall asleep.
Galina's POV

I walked into the living room to tell the girls that I was going to the store. When I saw them sound asleep on the couch. They are so adorable. I take a pic and send it to Joe. He'll love it. He is just so happy that his two girls are getting so much along. And Lale is such a big help with Jojo. I'm proud to call her my step daughter. I gently shake Lale awake careful not to wake Jojo.

"I'm going to the store. Can you watch Joelle?" I whisper.

"Uh huh" Lale mumbles.

"Thanks sweetie" I smile and then leave.

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