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"Your my new best friend!" Lale squeals as she hugs me. Great. If only she knew that Seth is mine. Yep. I was the little ol' diva he was sending private pictures to. And man! Is he fine or what?!?!

"So as your new best friend. Can I ask you to leave Seth alone?" I ask.

"Why? He seems nice. Besides that picture incident." Lale shrugs.

"As your best friend I don't want to see you getting hurt. That's all." I cover.

"Awe. But I think I can handle it." Lale smiles. Grrrr. She is ruining this relationship.

"Fine. Do whatever the hell you want. But don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart into pieces. Cause you can pick them up yourself. You little spoiled brat!" I shout at her. "Our friendship is over!" I add as I walk away from her.
Lale's POV
Wow. That was the quickest friendship ever. Glad it was done. Because she quickly showed her true colors.

"Umm Lale? Right?" This cute guy walks over.

"Yeah" I smile at him. He is super short and has pointy ears. And long black hair. Along with some accent.

"I'm Neville. I just saw your match. You were really good." he smiles.

"Thanks Neville."

"Umm are you like busy or anything tomorrow?" he asks, shyly.

"No I'm not why?" I answer.

"I I was wondering if we could like hang out or something." he explains.

"Ummm sure. Wanna meet up at the performance center around noonish?" I smile.

"Sounds great. I'll see you there." Neville smiles back. After he walks away I head back to the locker room. I change out of my ring gear and into my Seth Rollins T-shirt, that I never gave to Jake, a pair of skinny jeans and like always my UGGs. I put my hair in a quick ponytail and head off to my car.

"Hey Lale!" Bayley shouts. I turn and see the brunette running towards me.

"Hey Bay!" I smile as she catches up with me.

"Some of us are going out tonight. Wanna go?" she offers.

"Where and what time should I be there?" I smile.

"Inc. and get there around 11:30ish." Bayley answers. "Oh and can you let Sara know. I can't find her."she adds.

"Umm me and her kinda of aren't on speaking terms." I sigh.

"What why?" she asks.

"She gave me some advice and I told her I that I could handle it. So she blew up in my face." I explain. Then Bayley hugs me.

"It's ok. You two will make up and be the best of friends again." Bayley assures me.

"I doubt it." I sigh. "But I'll see you tonight." I smile at her.

"See ya later Spice!" Bayley giggles. Then we go our separate ways.

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