Miss America day 2 behind the scenes

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"Dad! Where is my bikini? I'm gonna be late!" I shout as I run down stairs.

"Can't you just wear like a one piece? Or a parka?" Roman suggests.


"Alright fine. It's in the car." He sighs in defeat.

"Daddy! Can I go see Lale get crowned?" Joelle whines.

"You have dance today. And she's not getting crowned today. That's tomorrow princess" he explains.

"But I wanna get crowned too!" Joelle pouts.

"We are going to get crowned tomorrow. Together. Okay?" I smile at my little sister.

"Realwe?!?!" she smiles. I nod and she twirls away sing 'yay yay yay'.

"Ready?" Dad asks. I nod and we leave.

"Jake texted last night." I sigh as we stop at the red light.

"Did you text him back?"

"No. He was the jackass who didn't bother showing up." I reply.

"Don't cuss!" Dad warns.


"But your right. And besides you shouldn't be dating. At least until your 30."

"Dad your just gonna have to deal. Soon Joelle will start dating too" I laugh.

"Nope. Never gonna happen. She's just gonna stay my little girl forever! Just like you" he shakes his head.

"Whatever you say dad" I roll my eyes as the light turns green.
After the swimwear portion
"Lalelei? Right?" Miss Florida asks.

"Yeah. Your umm Miss Florida right?" I smile politely to her.

"Chelsea" she smiles.

"I really liked you dress yesterday."

"Stop being all fake. We all know that you don't belong here." Chelsea snaps.

"Umm I earned my crown just like everybody else here. So I do belong here, bitch" I growl back.

"So what you said yesterday during the question portion was a lie?" Chelsea smirks.

"No it was the truth. I do feel that way. I'm not fake like anyone else here." I smirk back.

"I hope you fall flat on your face out there. And get voted out. You don't deserve this crown." Chelsea replies. Then she turns and walks away.

"What a bitch!" Someone behind me comments. I turn and it's another contestant.

"Yeah totally." I nod.

"I'm Sara. I'm Miss West Virgina." She smiles and extends her hand. I shake it.

"Lale. Miss Hawaii." I smile back.

"I know. Our dads kinda work together." She says.

"Your dad is..." I ask.

"Noble." She frowns.

"As in J&J?"

"Saddening right?" She makes a face.

"I guess. Well we should go get ready for theme wear. Good luck!" I smile.

"Yeah" she mumbles.

"Cheer up. You'll do great!" I smile at her as we walk towards hair and makeup.

"I don't even want to be apart of this. My mom is making me. She was in this and made it to the third day. And she expects me to win this."she complains.

"My mom was like that. It was all about me winning beauty contests and pageants. I don't want this either." I reply.

"Was?" Sara questions.

"She was murdered a couple weeks ago. Thank god I found my dad or I would be in foster." I explain.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. She was a bitch anyways." I shrug.

"So you are staying with your dad, Roman?" Sara asks to change the subject.

"Yeah" I answer.

"Lucky. I wanna travel with my dad but....." Sara starts.

"ALL CONTESTANTS PLEASE MAKE IT TO THE STAGE!!" The announcer cuts Sara off.
After theme wear
"I epically failed out there!" Sara groans.

"No you didn't. You were amazing!" I convince.

"I'm not gonna make it to tomorrow. My mom is gonna hate me!"

"Chill girl! As long as your having fun out there. It should be worth it." I explain.

"This is not my kind of fun!" Sara explains.

"Then what is?" I ask.

"This!" She laughs as she jumps on me and starts to put me in some kind of wrestling move.

"Stop! Your messing up my hair!" I giggle as I wiggle out of her grasp.

"Your such a wimp!" Sara laughs.

"Oh no you didn't!" I laugh. Then I attack her.

"Agh! Watch the hair!" Sara giggles. I let her go and we just laugh and get ready for the beauty part. Which neither one of us gets. All the competitions deal with beauty.
"Let's give hand to these beautiful young ladies!"Ryan cheers on the stage. "All these beautiful young ladies were amazing but sadly they don't make the Miss America cut. Miss Alaska, Miss Arizona, Miss Colorado, Miss Illinois, Miss Indiana, Miss Kentucky, Miss Lousiana, Miss Maryland, Miss Mississippi, Miss Montana, Miss Nevada, Miss North Dakota, Miss Ohio, Miss Oregon, Miss South Carolina, Miss Texas, Miss Virgina, Miss Washington, Miss Wisconsin, and Miss Wyoming!" Ryan announces as each girl parades on stage one last time in their crowning dresses.
"Oh my sweet Sally gaveis! I made it to tomorrow!" Sara glees.

"It really sucks that you now the last one. Like dead last to be called on." I smirk.

"Your like the first one missy. So don't get too excited." Sara warns.

"So you don't travel with your dad?" I ask.

"I want to. I actually wanna wrestle. What about you? What do you really wanna do?" Sara says as we take off our makeup. No boys are aloud backstage so our dads have to wait for us in the hallway.

"Hmmm I never really thought much about what I wanted." I think aloud.

"Really?" Sara is shocked. "You should really work on that."

"I know." I frown. I change out of my stupid gown and into some skinny jeans, Ugg boots, and my Seth Rollins tee that I never gave to Jake.

"You're a Seth fan!" Sara glees at my shirt.

"Don't be hiding your Roman shirt missy" I smirk at her.

"Oh I'm not. I'm proud to be his fan girl!" Sara giggles.

"Just don't be gushing all over him." I warn.

"I won't. I just really think he's a great wrestler. It's Dean that's hot." Sara explains.

"I got dibs on Dean!" I shout as I grab my two bags and run.

"Oh no you don't missy!" Sara shouts back as she chases after me with her bags in hand.

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