Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

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"Ready for our match?" Sara smiles excitedly.

"Yeah" I sigh as I stare at my phone. Seth has never texted me yet.

"What's up girly? You should be more excited!" Sara asks. She has no idea about last night.

"Just Seth hasn't texted me at all today." I explain.

"You never told me what happened last night." she hints at.

"We kissed." I say quickly.

"YOU WHAT?!?!?" Sara jumps up, off the bench.

"Sara!" I warn.

"Wait you haven't heard what happened with him and Leigh?" Sara asks.

"No. What happened?" I answer.

"Well he was sending and receiving some 'private pictures' with some diva. Leigh found out and smashed his phone. They argued a lot. And then she dumped him." Sara explains. "He was going to propose to her. He bought the ring and everything." she adds.

"Who's the diva?" I ask.

"No one knows" she shrugs. "Come on! Lets go to hair and make up." Sara smiles. She grabs my hand and drags me everywhere.

"Do you even know where we're going?" I laugh as we pass the same corner for the tenth time.

"Nope" Sara replies.

"Well lookie here. It's the newbies" some chick laughs with some other chick.

"Looks like their lost." The other girl adds.

"They are. Because they obviously don't belong here." The first chick continues.

"Sasha! Char! Be nice. It's their first day!" Some other girl walks over.

"We are being nice. We don't want them to go out there and make fools of themselves." The first girl smiles viciously.

"Just leave them alone." the third girl sighs. Then the two mean ones leave. "Sorry about that. They think they own the place. I'm Bayley." she smiles.

"I'm Sara and this is Lalelei" Sara smiles back.

"The two pageant queens?" Bayley asks.

"Sadly yes." I answer.

"Embrace it. You two will fit in here if you do." Bayley frowns.

"You don't fit in here do you?" Sara asks.

"It's because I'm way to nice and perky all the time." Bayley explains.

"Well that makes two. Cause Sara is like that too." I smile.

"And Lale is the mean one." Sara giggles.

"Sugar and Spice" Bayley smiles.

"Love it!" I smile at our new nicknames.

"Am I Spice?" Sara asks.

"You're Sugar" Bayley laughs as she hugs us both.

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