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"Your seriously buying a Dean Ambrose t-shirt?!?!" Sasha asks.

"Well yeah. And a Seth Rollins one for Jake." I smile.

"Wow! Your such a supportive daughter!" Sasha jokes.

"Shhh! Do you want me to get mobbed by fans?" I whisper-yell.

"Maybe" she winks. "Oooo! They have Roman's new shirt. Totally getting that." Sasha squeals. "Do you think he would sign it?" She asks after we got our shirts and paid.

"I'm forbidding you from seeing or talking to him. So good luck asking." I tell her.

"What?!?! Why would you do that?" Sasha whines.

"Because you embarrassed me and yourself in front of him!" I explain.

"Oh did Jake tell you what happened?" Sasha asks.

"Jude told me that my mom got shot." I answer.

"That's not all of it." Sasha replies. "Your mom got murdered. Someone was robbing the surf shop and they shot your mom. They found her body at the skate park with nothing. Not even her clothes." Sasha explains.

"What?!?! But Jude called me on her phone saying that she was going into surgery!" I explain, tears threatening to fall.

"Sorry but I checked the news online and that's what was said. Jude is a freakin liar." Sasha shrugs. Then she hugs me. "It's ok. Let's go watch some sexy men fight for the top position!" Sasha soothes. I wipe my tears away, again, and then we go grab our seats. Front row, right at the end of the entrance ramp on right side.

"Should I tell my dad what really happened with my mom?" I ask as the beginning song begins to play.

"Yeah. You can't live alone till your 19. At least not in Hawaii." Sasha answers.

"Great. Why didn't Jake call me instead of you?" I wonder aloud.

"Because he didn't want to tell you over the phone. He told me to tell you before you found out someway else."

"Oh. But Jude already told me. Yeah it was a lie. Wait a minute! Jude was in on the murder!" I gasp.

"How do you know that? Are you psychic or something?" Sasha asks.

"He called me on her phone. The article said she didn't have anything with her." I explain. I quickly text Jake.

"Jude did it. He called me from her phone. Said she was shot and is in surgery now." -Lale.

"She's not in surgery. But thxs 4 the heads up. HIG?" -Jake.

"Great! Have little sis and stepmom. Got you a tee! Y did I bring Sasha?" -Lale.

"No idea! Is it a Seth Rollins tee? And I c u on the screen! U look happy even though..." -Jake.

"Yes it's a SRT. And wish u were here loser!" -Lale.

I stick my tongue out so Jake can see. Sasha joins in.

"Jake is watching." I whisper to her.

"SETH SUCKS!" Sasha shouts causing the people around us to start chanting 'You Sold Out!'

"The only thing he sold out was his t-shirts! And maybe the tickets to the shows!" -Jake.

"SETH SUCKS! Btw he's actually really nice in reals" -Lale.

"Ooo! Here comes Dean! He is looking fine tonight!" Sasha cheers.

"Remember our dibs from two years ago?" I ask her. She nods. "Dean is mine." I growl.

"Actually he's Renee's. Wanna watch that video again?" Sasha smirks.

"Go die in a hole." I groan.
After Deans match

"Is Dean ok?"-Lale.

"Yeah he's gonna be. After he cools down a bit. He's pretty mad."-Roman.

"When's your match?" -Lale.

"It's the last one. Are you having fun?" -Roman.


"Good." -Roman.

"Oh umm read this: thislinkisfakebutbasicayitsthearticalanoutlale' 😪" -Lale.

"Come backstage ASAP" -Roman.


"Come on. We have to go backstage." I tell Sasha.

"Do I have too? Miz is coming out!" Sasha whines.

"Fine stay here. But come back after this match." I nod. She smiles and then I walk to the back by myself. I reach security and they let me back. I walk straight to the locker room.

"Is this true?" Roman asks as soon as I walk thru the door. I nod, knowing what he's talking about.

"I thought she was..." he starts.

"Jude is kind of a liar." I explain. "I think he was part of it because he called from her phone."

"Who the hell is Jude?" He questions.

"My boyfriend's stepdad" I answer.

"You have a boyfriend?!?!" Roman freaks.

"Sort of." I shrug. He looks at me semi-angrily. "Well I mean Jake is my boyfriend. But we really haven't discussed labeling it." I explain.

"So you really don't have a boyfriend?" Roman asks.

"We kissed right before I left to meet you." I explain. "We were friends for two years now."

"Keep him in the friend zone. Actually try to stay away from him. Because of his stepdad." Roman explains.

"Kinda hard to actually be near him when I can't go back to Hawaii." I shrug.


"You have to be 19 to live on your own. So if I do go back, I don't have anyone who will take me in so it's foster for year." I explain.

"No daughter of mine is going into foster." Roman demands.

"Really? Your gonna let me stay with you?" I ask. He nods. "Epppp!" I squeal as we hug, again.

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