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My dad is Roman Reigns. I still can't believe that Roman Reigns is my dad!

"Lalelei! Jake's here!" Mom yells.

"Coming!" I yell back. I give myself one more glance in the mirror. These shorts make my legs look so long and my cute green tank top make my eyes pop. My hair is flowing down, naturally. And I don't have much makeup on. Just lipgloss. I throw on my flip flops and grab my phone and head down stairs.

"Hey Lale. You look amazing like always" Jake smiles.

"Thanks. And you look surfy, like always." I smirk.

"Funny" he smiles. We leave. He drives us to the pier, my favorite spot.

"So my mom confirmed it" I say randomly. "Roman is my dad" I add.

"Then that's great news!" Jake smiles.

"Yeah, but I don't think I'll ever meet him." I sigh as I dip my feet into the ocean.

"What makes you say that?" Jake asks.

"My life isn't like some fanfic you read on Wattpad. I find out my dad is Roman Reigns. And then I meet him and live happily ever after." I explain. Jake chuckles lightly.

"Lalelei, your beautiful. No matter what happens when you meet your dad, I'll be right by your side" Jake says as he squeezes my hand, lightly.

"Thanks, Jake" I smile. I kiss him on the cheek. "Your a great guy." I add.

"I know" he smirks. "Come on let's grab some food." He stands and then helps me up. I don't let go of his hand until we sit at the restaurant. Whoops, I mean Taco Bell.

My Long Lost DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now