Stand By

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"I'm sorry dad!" I say again as I follow my dad who was walking very fast.

"You could've gotten hurt!" he stops and looks at me.

"I didn't though." I point out.

"Lale. I know. But you didn't need to be out there." dad sighs.

"Vince told me to. He said to make sure you win." I explain.

"Next time let me know that. I almost speared you!" Dad warns.

"Ok dad." I nod. Then Vince walks over.

"You two were great out there. I think I'm gonna have to have you stand ringside more often Lalelei." Vince smiles at us.

"I don't want her ringside. She'll get hurt." Dad tells our boss.

"She's a tough girl. She can take it. Don't worry too much Roman. You have a great kid right here." Vince explains. Then he walks off.

"What time does your flight leave tonight?" Dad asks.

"3 AM tomorrow morning" I answer.

"Ah hate those red eye flights." Dad chuckles. Then Randy walks bye.

"Hi Randy" I smile at my friend's brother.

"Umm hi?" He questions. Dad gives me a weird look.

"Your Bayley's brother right?" I explain.

"Oh. Yeah. How is she anyways?" he asks.

"Great. I think she and Neville are a thing." I smile.

"Hmm good to know. See ya around." Randy nods and walks off.

"Lale," dad starts.

"I was just being nice." I stop him.

"That better be it." Dad warns. "Between Seth and Dean. I can't tell which you like more." he smirks.

"Neither can I dad." I smirk back.

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