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"Lale! Thank god you're okay!" Dad smiles when he walks into the room. I smile back because I can't speak. I don't know why? I don't remember the accident. I just know it happened. Actually, the last thing I remember was Dean. Then he walks in. "We're going to find out who did this and get retribution." dad explains. Uh. He must not know that the lady who hit me was the one to save me. If it wasn't for her, I would be dead. "Where is that girl from the hall?" Dad asks Dean.

"Uh? I don't know. She stayed back with the doc." Dean shrugs as he plops on the chair next to me. I just look at the lunatic. My lunatic.

"She could have came in here. She saved my daughter. I wanted to thank her." Dad sighs. I try to reach over for the pad of paper a nurse left me. Dean hands it to me along with a pencil. I write:

She was who hit me.

"Her?!?! But she saved you?!?" Dad freaks. I nod. He runs a hand thru his hair and paces.

"Dude it was an accident. She was doing the right thing." Dean points out.


"Rome, Calm down. Lale is going to be fine. She is fine." Dean calms my dad.

"I'm gonna go walk this off. I'll be right back." Dad sighs before he storms off. Finally alone time with Dean. I need to talk to him.

Hi. :)

"Hi." Dean smiles back. He gets up and sits on the bed.

Is my dad mad?

"No he isn't. He's just having a rough time." Dean explains.

Because of last night?

"Speaking of last night." Dean ignores. "Umm did we umm use?"

I don't remember. Why?

"Cause I don't think we did." Dean frowns.

I have to pee.


Can you help me walk to the bathroom.

"Uhh sure." He stands up and picks me up. Nows my chance. I grab him by his collar and drag his head towards me and we kiss. "Lale." He whispers. He carries me to the attached bathroom. I do my business and then he carries me back to the bed. Just in time for my dad to return. With food. Good. I'm starving.

Dean's POV
As soon as I heard about Lale's accident, I stopped whatever the hell I was doing and rushed to the hospital. I couldn't breath or even think until I found out if she was ok.

"Here Dean" Roman hands me a burger. I grab it and sit on a chair near Lale. Because she can't speak, I grab some of her fries. She gives me the look of pure hatred. "Dean." Roman warns like he knows what's going on.

"What?" I smirk at the large Samoan.

"Watch her. I have to go call Galina to let her know everything's okay." Roman sighs as he leaves again. I know he is in pain seeing his daughter like this. I know I'm in pain. But I can't just leave her.


"Awe don't hate me baby girl!" I smirk as I steal another fry.

Stop stealing my fries!

"What ya gonna do about it?" I laugh.

Not kiss you. She smirks as she bites her bottom lip. Ugh! Why?!?!

"Alright. I won't steal anymore fries. If you stop doing that!" I offer.

Do what? Make your "friend" show up? I look down and sure enough my 'friend' has arrived.

"He just likes you." I shrug off to hide my embarrassment. She tries to laugh but ends up crying. I go over to her bed and hold her.

It hurts to laugh.:(

"It's ok Lale." I sooth. I kiss her forehead and wipe her tears away. I hold her as we watch cartoons on TV.

My Long Lost DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now