Team Authority?

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"I am the NXT divas champion!" I say to myself as I stare at the mirror. Tonight I'm going to have a match for the title. Against Sasha Banks and Sara. JBL announced her as the new number one contender. But now that I'm back, I earned my shot so I should get it.

"Ah not quite Lalelei." someone chuckles. I turn to see Stephanie McMann.

"Uhh.." I stutter. Stupid Lale! Don't stutter!

"You are not going to be in that match tonight." Stephanie explains.

"Why? I earned my shot." I remind.

"I know. We just have a great storyline for you. And if you were to win this match, which you probably would have, we couldn't have you on the main roster." Stephanie answers.

"I'm going on the main roster?" I ask.

"Yes" Stephanie nods. "You'll be on Team Authority."she adds.

"I think it's too soon to be that pushed." I think.

"Yes, it seems like it. But you're talented and what's best for business. Look. I'll give you a few days to think about it. But do not go out there." Stephanie explains.

"But" I start.

"I'll get you your title shot if you don't join us." she stops me. I nod. "Just let me know before Smakdown starts." And then she left. Me on the main roster?!?! I think I should take this offer. But what about my dad and Dean? They hate The Authority and are currently feuding with them.

"Hey! Why aren't you getting ready?" Bayley asks when she skips in.

"Stephanie offered me a spot on Team Authority. Should I take it?" I blurt.

"Hells yeah! Take it!" she squeals.

"But Dean and my dad are against them." I remind.

"So? They were cool with Seth till you kissed him." Bayley corrects. "Just let them know before hand." she adds.

"Ok. I'll take it." I smile.

"Yay! We're both on the main roster!" Bayley smiles.

"What?" I am shocked.

"Yep. I'm getting dragged in to some fued with my brother." Bayley shrugs.

"Wait. You're brother is on Team Authority!" I think.

"Shit. We're against each other!" Bayley cusses.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" I smile.

"Whatever. Let's go celebrate tonight!" Bayley shrugs.

"Just no alcohol for me. Don't want a repeat of last time." I laugh.

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