Hold up!

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I woke up in a fort in a hotel room. Alone. Hmmm. Dean must have brought me here so I wouldn't get in trouble. I take my phone out of my pocket. And double shit. I'm late for that thing with Neville and my phone is about to die. I sit up which was a major no-no. I grab my shoes and head home. I text Bayley letting her know that I wasn't gonna make it and to let Neville know. Once I get home and inside. I see Dean and my dad chatting in the kitchen.

"Ah our little party girl. Have a good time?" dad smirks.

"Shockingly yes" I reply.

"Well I hope you don't have any plans because we are going to do some promo stuff which you are going to." dad chuckles.

"Ugh." I groan as I head upstairs to get ready.
"This morning we are joined here by none other than Roman Reigns and the lovely Miss America Lalelei Anoa'i." The radio host says. "What's new with you guys?"

"Not much besides kicking ass like always. But she. She just debuted a few days ago down at NXT." Dad replies.

"NXT? So wrestling does run in the family!" The radio guy questions.

"Gotta keep up that legacy." I smile.

"What I would like to see and maybe the WWE universe would too, is a father/daughter match. You two verse Vince and Stephanie." The radio guy chuckles.

"If only we could convince Vince to get in that ring." Dad chuckles.

"I heard a little rumor that Lalelei and Seth Rollins are dating?" He brought up.

"I don't date scumbags." I confirm.

"So our source lied to us?" he questions.

"Yes they did. My daughter has and will never have any affiliation with that backstabbing rat." Dad answers. He seems a bit angry at the radio guy's questions.

"So then can you tell us if Miss America here is single?" he suggests.

"First off I'm not Miss America. I denied the crown. And no I'm not seeing anybody because guys are jerks." I snap at the poor guy.

"Speaking of. Why did you deny that prestigious title?" The radio guy asks. I have no idea how to answer that. I glance at my dad for help but he's not even paying any attention. Thankfully Dean came with us. He bursts in through the door. "Hey it's the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose!"

"Starting this thing with out me aye?" Dean jokes.
"Thanks Dean for saving me back there." I whisper to him as we walk out of the building to the car.

"No problem. That guy was asking too many personal questions." Dean shrugs.

"Lale. You need to stay in character next time. And don't be so shy." Dad explains.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry. Okay?" I snap at him. Then I realized that everyone from NXT heard that interview.

"I think your done for today. I'll drop you off at home ok?" Dad replies.

"Actually could you drop me off at the performance center? Ill get a ride from someone there." I ask. He nods as he starts the car up.

"Roman can we get some food? I'm starving!" Dean exclaims. "Drunkie here wouldn't share her pizza with me."

"And who's fault was it for getting her drunk?" dad smirks.

"Can we get some food?" Dean ignores my dad's question.

"Sure. After we drop Lale off." Dad laughs.
"Lale!" Bayley glees as I enter the performance center.

"Bay! What's up girly? Why are you still here?" I ask her.

"After you told me about being late. Neville and I went to grab food. And we kissed. Oh my god! It was amazing! I've always had a crush on him but I never knew he liked me like that!" Bayley rants as we walk into the locker room.

"You two are so cute together." I smile at her. She blushes.

"So what happened last night? I heard you and Dean got freaky?" she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Nothing happened. We built a fort and talked about nothing. Oh and ate pizza." I explain.

"Oh sure. Totally true." she rolls her eyes.

"I have to tell you something before you hear it anywhere else." I explain to the brunette. She nods. "Roman Reigns is my dad. I didn't want anyone to know because I didn't want special treatment. But this morning I had an interview with him and some radio guy. And Dean showed up." I rant.

"I knew he was your dad." Bayley sighed as we get into the ring.

"You did?" I ask.

"Come on. You practically could pull Twin Magic with him. Besides the boobs part." Bayley explains.

"Did everyone already knew that?" I ask, completely ignoring her comment.

"I believe so. What's the big deal anyway? We all earned our spots here. It wasn't given to us. Besides your great in the ring. And your not a spoiled bitch. So you're cool." she shrugs before we start wrestling each other.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yep. Most people don't know this but Randy is my brother." she explains as she throws me down.

"You're an Orton?!?!" I ask, puzzled, as I trip her and put her in a leg lock.

"Ow! And yes. After my mom died. Me and Randy would travel with our dad. That's where we learned about the business. And I suggest you travel with your dad as much as you can. You'll learn a lot about this business." she explains as she tries to get out of my submission move.

"You're just gonna have to tap." I laugh. "But thanks for the advice girly. We should be the new Legacies now. Make our own alliances." I joke.

"Totally. With Sara, me, and you. We'll take over this business." she taps. I let her go and we stand up. "Girl where did you learn that move?"

"I just winged it. And Sara was the one who did it with Seth." I explain. "And sent him nudes."

"Not what I heard. I really don't like her. But I'm still not going to throw her to the wolves. She needs us." Bayley sighs.

"I guess your right." I pull my hair back. "I'm gonna go lift. Wanna join?" I ask.

"Sure. I'll tell you more about my brunch with Neville!" she giggles. I roll my eyes and listen to her drool over the pipsqueak.

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