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I hated lying to Galina. But I hate myself even more for trying to abandon my daughter. My other daughter, Joelle. She was pretty upset when I couldn't go last year. She would have been even more upset this year. I guess going on my trip to find my other daughter is gonna have to wait till next weekend.

"Yo Ro! Ready to find your daughter?" Dean asks.

"I have to push it back for next weekend." I sigh.

"You do know what's next weekend, right?" Dean asks.

"Uhhh" I space.

"FastLane!" Dean reminds me.

"Oh shit! Totally forgot about that. I have that match against Bryan, right?" I answer.

"Yeah you do" he groans. "What has gotten into you. Lately you've been forgetting things! Did Seth curb stomp you too hard?" Dean jokes.

"No, I just have a lot on my mind." I sigh.

"Well you better clear it. Cause our match is next." Dean replies. He walks off to wherever.

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