The Road to Recovery

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Two weeks later...

I sit beside Y/N, still in shock. I've barely eaten, and the kids are staying at her Mom's, they know what happened. My parents are at the hospital, it's the first time I've seen them in months.

Dad: You need to eat something.
Me: I'm not hungry.
Mom: You're no good to her if you make yourself unwell. She needs you to be strong.

Mom hands me half of her sandwich, I take it and eat reluctantly. Just then, the doctor comes in.

Doctor: I'm sorry to disturb you all, I'm Dr Thompson. I've been looking at Y/N's scan from earlier this week. I have to be honest with you and say that her brain is showing very slow signs of healing, and it's starting to become very unlikely that she'll wake up. On the chance that she does, she's more than likely going to be incapable of doing anything at all. I'm really sorry, but I think it's time we start discussing moving on.
Me: What? No, she's going to be fine.
Doctor: Mrs Johansson...
Me: It's Y/L/N-Johansson.
Doctor: Right, Mrs Y/L/N-Johansson. I know you don't want to have this conversation but we really need to have a conversation about next steps. We can't keep this going forever with minimal brain movement. Even if she does wake up, it's unlikely she'll be able to talk again, and walk. The brain damage is very similar to the first crash she had.
Me: We're not having this conversation, she's going to pull through.
Doctor: Mrs Y/L/N-Johansson...
Me: No! We're not doing this, she's going to be fine.
Dad: Baby, I know you're scared, but it's not fair to keep this going. Let her go in peace, she'll still be with you everyday, you know she wouldn't leave you.

Jack sits beside me as I start to cry.

Jack: Scarl, I really think we need to...

Just then, the monitors start to go crazy, Y/N starts to wake up.

Me: Oh my god, Y/N.

She looks confused and starts panicking and breathing heavily, the doctor takes control.

Doctor: Y/N, listen to me. I'm Dr Thompson. You're in the hospital, please don't try to get up. Your injuries are severe and we don't know where your head's at.

She relaxes back into the bed, still totally panicked by the whole thing. Her eyes are scanning the room for anything familiar.

Dr Thompson: Okay, can we arrange a CT scan to see what sort of damage we have?

She looks my way. I fucking missed those dark brown eyes, even though they're bloodshot as hell. She looks terrified, like she's reliving the crash all over again.

Me: You scared the shit out of me, damn you.

I grab her hand and kiss it. She tries to talk but is breathing heavily.

Y/N: T...T...T...
Me: Y/N...

I shake my head. Tate's dead. A single tear falls from her cheek, her not fully processing the information she's being given. She just looks to the ceiling, completely out of it.

Dr Thompson: It's a good sign that she can remember that this close to waking up. Y/N, can you remember what happened? Blink twice for yes and once for no. Or three times if you remember parts.

She blinks three times.

Dr Thompson: Do you remember trying to save your friend?

She blinks twice.

Dr Thompson: Do you remember the other car hitting you?

She blinks once. Then closes her eyes and looks away.

(Book 2) The Dark Side of Fame - Scarlett Johansson x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now