richie tozier: missing

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TW: killer clown, murder, missing kids, arm being bitten off, angst

"Hey, Y/n," Georgie happily greets his sister and sits on her bed next to her.

"Hold on, Rich. Hey, Georgie, what's up?" She asks, putting the phone she was holding away from her face.

"I wanna play outside in the rain but Billy says he's dying," The youngest Denbrough explains, making the middle Denbrough laugh, "Oh did he? Ignore him, I'll go play with you," She smiles.

"Wait what??" A muffled voice exclaims from the phone.

"Is that Richie?" Georgie asks, Y/N nods at him before putting the phone next to her face again, "Hey Rich. I'm sorry but is it okay if we cancel our date later? Georgie wants to play in the rain with me," She explains.

She could feel Richie's eye roll on the other side of the line, "Why can't Bill do it?"

"Because he's sick, "dying" in his words."

Another eye roll, "Lazy Bill. But anyways, sure. Have fun and stay safe, alright? Love you, hotstuff," Richie says, Y/N smiles, "Love you too, four eyes," She says before putting the phone down and looking at Georgie.

"Alright, let's get our raincoats on and play," She says and the two leaves to get ready.

5 minutes passed and the two were by the door, their mother, Sharon, was standing in front of them, "You two make sure you don't get into too much trouble, okay? And if anything happens, go to the nearest house and call for help."

The two Denbroughs nod at their mother.

"Okay, mom. We got it," Y/N says and looks at Georgie, who was holding a yellow paper boat that Bill made for him not so long ago.

"Alright, off you go now. Just be safe," Their mother says one more time and watches her children wave and run off.

But before they could run any farther, they stopped and waved to Bill, who was watching them from his window.

Bill waves back with a smile and watches the two run again.

Georgie places the yellow boat down and watches "she", as Bill said, (correct me if im wrong) float away.

Y/N runs along with Georgie as they both laughed and chased after the boat.

Y/N would bring Georgie aside so he wouldn't bump into anything from time to time, but overall they were having fun.

That was until their boat fell into a storm drain.

"No!" Georgie yells as he watches the boat fall.

"Georgie!" Y/N yells and pulls Georgie back, worried that he might fall into the drain.

"But the boat! Billy's going to kill me," Georgie worriedly says, looking down.

Y/N sighs and kneels in front of him, "It's okay, Georgie. We can always make another boat. Maybe an even better one," She tries to cheer him up, which kinda worked.

Georgie smiles but it falls when they both heard a voice speak up.

"Or maybe you can just have your boat back, and come to the circus with me!" A creepy voice exclaims.

The two immediately turn their head to where the voice came from.

The storm drain.

"Oh my gosh," Y/N breathes out as she sees a pair of bright yellow eyes. She squints and makes out a face of a clown.

"Hello there!" The clown says.

"Who are you and what are you doing in the storm drain?" Y/N asks, alarmed. She also stands up and pushes Georgie behind her back as they both took a few steps back.

"I'm Pennywise the dancing clown!" The clown excitingly says, "I own a circus down here, would you like to see it?" He asks.

"A circus sounds nice but no thank you," Y/N says.

"But Y/N-" "-No Georgie. Besides, it's time for us to go," Y/N cuts Georgie off with a stern tone.

"Time for you to go? Already? Awh, that makes me so sad. At least take your boat back," Pennywise says as he pulls out his white-gloved hand that held the boat.

Y/N stands there, hesitating, his eyes filled with his unknown disturbingness.

But Georgie already stepped out from Y/N's back and went to approach the clown.

"Georgie no-"

Y/N was soon cut off by Georgie's screams when the clown bit his arm.

Y/N reacted quickly and dragged Georgie away from the drain, however, he lost his left arm off, making him lose a lot of blood.

Y/N lets out a scream and yells for help, also looking around for a house until her eyes land on one in front of them.

She was about to drag Georgie with her to the house, but she didn't notice the clown's arm stretch out of the drain and reaches out for Georgie.

By the time she realizes, Georgie was strongly pulled out of her grasp and was already on the ground, his face facing her as he screams for help.

Y/N runs forward towards Georgie and tries to reach for his right arm, but he was already in the drain, his screams slowly disappearing and making her heart sink and drop to the bottom of her stomach.

Worried and filled with panic, she runs towards the house she spotted earlier and knocks rapidly on the door, looking back to see if the clown was behind her. But no, all she saw was her brother's blood in the water.

Tears filled her vision.

She knocks rapidly again on the door, which was opened a few seconds later by this old lady.

Y/N felt the same unknown disturbingness she felt from the clown earlier from the old lady, but she couldn't care any more or less, she wanted to get help and try to save her brother.

Y/N looks at the lady and points at the drain where she and her brother were at a few seconds ago, "Miss please- there was this clown and-"

But when she looks back at the old lady, she was greeted with the same pair of bright yellow eyes.

Before she could scream or do anything else, the clown grips her throat tightly. And in a short matter of time, her tear-filled vision was filled with nothing but the color black.

A few hours later, the rain has stopped pouring and cop cars and ambulances surrounded the Denbrough residence.

Zack and Sharon Denbrough, their parents, were being asked questions by the police officers while Bill sat on their porch, his right leg bouncing up and down with red eyes as he waited for his friends to arrive.

"Bill!" A voice yells.

Bill looks up and saw a very worried Richie.

"What happened? Where's Y/N? Where's Georgie? Are they okay?" Richie asks, his heart beating and racing rapidly.

Bill looks down at his shoes, "I-I don't kno-know, Ri-Richie," He stuttered.

Richie's heart drops when he heard those words leave his best friend's mouth.

Bill looks up at Richie and felt his heart ache.

He knew how much Richie loved his twin, and it broke him to see his best friend sad, especially when it was about Y/N.

The silence between the two broke when Eddie and Stanley, their two other friends, arrived.

Bill looked at his friends before busting down into tears again.

His friends immediately hugged him and told him that they were going to find them.

But only if they knew, they weren't.

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