mike wheeler: ako na lang(let it be me)pt.1

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tw: one-sided love

credits/source of translations: https://opmtranslations.wordpress.com/2017/02/08/ako-na-lang-zia-quizon/

this is inspired by one of my fav filipino songs, translations are in bold, and lets just pretend that s3 takes place in the 2000s, el is living a normal life, no upside down and they aren't dating.

half filipino!reader

"so what was it like?" dustin asks y/n, who was sitting next to him in mike's basement.

"hm?" she hums as she looks at him, the rest of the party listening in.

"the philippines, i mean," she smiles at him.

"oh, it's really beautiful. from where i lived i mean, baguio. despite the country being hot, baguio is pretty chilly. lots of greenery there."

"really?" el asks, interested.

"mhm. you should try the different kinds of food they sell. one of my favorites is taho."

"i should convince my parents to let us have our vacation in baguio then," lucas says.

y/n chuckles, "that sounds fun. but there are more places you can visit in the phil too! like the chocolate hills in bohol."

"why are they called that?"

"well, they say that they got their name from the color of their grass," she replies.

everyone looks at her in awe.

after a few minutes of talking, karen comes into the basement.

"okay, everyone. time to wrap it up. it's almost 10 and you have school tomorrow," karen speaks as everyone groans.

"cheer up, it's friday tomorrow, you guys can stay in here all night tomorrow," she smiles and waves goodbye to everyone as they leave the basement.

"bye mrs. wheeler."

"good night!"

"see you all tomorrow!"

"see you mike!"

everyone exits the house one by one. lucas and max decided to head home together while will and dustin decided to go get some snacks before they head home as well.

this left el,y/n, and mike.

"so, who wants to hang out at the arcade this weekend?" mike asks.

el sadly sighs, "sorry mike. mom wants me to help her with organizing her new office. maybe next time?"

mike disappointingly nods, "yeah, sure."

el looks at her hand-me-down phone, "mom's already asking me if i'm on the way home. bye mike, bye y/n!" she waves at them before getting on her bike.

mike sighs as he watches el leave.

"hey, i can go with you this weekend. kung okay lang yan sayo?"

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