mike wheeler: it was her he chose pt.3

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tw: russian elevators and secret bases

a few minutes later, dustin brings his walkie talkie out to try to get in touch with the party, or anyone at least.

"this is code red. i repeat, code red. does anyone copy? this is a code red, i repeat, a code red does anyone copy? we are innocent children and we are trapped under starcourt mall. the red army has infiltrated hawkins and if we are found, they will torture, and kill us." dustin says as he paces around.

"hey," steve calls out for him, "you gotta take it easy on that thing, okay? youre gonna drain the battery."

"the mall just opened."


"so someone could be in range," dustin tries to reason.

"what do you think? petey the mall cop is gonna rappel down here and save the day?"

"all right, why are you such cranky pants after getting to spend the night with robin?" dustin asks, whispering the last part.

"shhh!" steve shushes him, "will you just give up on your creepy dream already?" 

"i heard you guys all night. y/n did too."

"yeah. we were trying to figure out a way to open up the door while you children were sleeping."

"and no progress whatsoever," a voice speaks, making the two turn their heads and see y/n climb out.

"hey, what are you doing up here? you should be down there," steve points back inside.

"yeah, talking about mike," dustin jokes while making kissing noises. y/n rolls her eyes, "then you should be down there too, talking about suzie."

"you didnt deny."

"deny what?"

"deny that you like him."

y/ns eyes are slightly wide, but she covers it up by shaking her head with another playful eyeroll, "shut up. have you gotten any contact with anyone?"



"but anyway, why are you so cranky?" y/n asks.

steve sighs, "after eight hours, were still exactly nowhere, which is you know, probably just a little bit of the reason why im feeling just a tad cranky," he says as he walks over to the side and unzips his pants.

"what the fuck are you doing?"

steve turns to look at us, "what does it look like im doing? im taking a leak. look away. look away!"

"can you redirect your stream please?" robins voice echoes.

dustin and y/n sit on the opposite side of the edge of the elevator, "so, mike, huh?"

y/n looks down at her feet and shakes her head, "ive got no chance. besides, i think ive found someone better."

a couple of minutes later, robin and erica climb out of the elevator, "weve got company."

a couple of minutes pass by, and the scoop troop is on top of the elevator, hiding from the two workers that entered the elevator.

one of them enters but the other stops and sniffs, "you smell that?" he speaks in russian.

"what?" the first one asks as he picks up a box with a cigarette in between his lips 


the first one sniffs and shrugs.

the two go in and out of the lift, picking up boxes and placing them in their little cargo.

steve watches from above, waiting for the right time for them to escape.

as soon as the two employees walk out, everyone hurriedly jumps down and makes a run for the closing door.

steve uses one of the long and mysterious cylindrical containers that erica was holding to stop the door from closing, "lets go," he says and has erica leave first.

"go, go, go, go, go, go!"

"im going!"

"hendeson, mayfield!" steve calls out and robin follows.

"come on steve, lets go!" robin says as everyone watches the cylindrical container break and burn into the ground.

"you still wanna drink that?" robin asks erica as dustin looks behind him, only to see an endless looking tunnel.


"well, i hope you guys are in good shape. looking at you roast beef," steve pats dustin on the chest as he starts to walk, "lets go, come on."

"why me?" dustin asks as y/n holds in a laugh.

a few minutes pass by and the scoop troop is still walking in the tunnels.

while everyone was walking in front, y/n was walking behind them, deep in thought.

"theyre commies. you dont pay people, they cut corners," ericas voice breaks y/n from her train of thoughts.

"to be fair to our russian comrades, i dont think this tunnel was designed for walking," robin says, "i mean, think about it. they developed the perfect system for transporting that cargo."

"it all comes into the mall like any old delivery," dustin replies, "and then they load it up onto those trucks and nobodys the wiser," robin adds.

"you think they built this whole mall so they could transport that green poison?" steve asks.

"could be possible," y/n answers steve.

"i very seriously doubt that its something as boring as poison. its gotta be much more valuable, like promethium or something."

"what the hell is promethium?"

"It's what victor stones dad used to make cyborgs bionic and cybernetic components."

"youre all so nerdy, it makes me physically ill," erica speaks.

"no, no, no. no, dont lump me in with them," steve immediately repies, "im not a nerd, all right?"

y/n laughs, "why so sensitive, harrington?"

"afraid of losing cool points to a ten-year-old child?" robin adds.

"no, im just saying i don't know jackshit about prometheus," he defends himself.


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