miles fairchild: kiss away those tears

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TW: none

short chapter, their parents didnt die so the gate is safe

writing this on aug 17, 1:13am and im supposed to be sleeping but no im sitting here writing a chapter while watching ghostbusters afterlife bec it just came out (this is so outdated)

not complaining i actually like doing this 

finn as trevor<3 (HES SO PRETTY LIKE????)

I should do some trevor stories soon

yeah I should

okay that's enough im sorry

For years, Y/N has been coming over to Miles' house every day after school with a smile. But today was different.

Y/N entered the property and immediately went to the koi pond, the place that gave her comfort.

Miles waited for her in his room but noticed she was late. Sure, she would be late for 5 minutes or more, but it has been 20 minutes and it was worrying him.

So he went to wear his coat and walked out of the house.

But before he could go any further, he stopped by the koi pond. His instincts told him to go in there.

And his instincts were right.

There she was.

The love of his life crying in her comfort spot.

Miles immediately ran towards her and sat next to her, pulling her into a warm and comforting hug.

"Shhh, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here," He whispered into her ear as they slowly rock back and forth, "Hey, what happened? Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked as he broke the hug and held her shoulders.

Y/N sniffled, "M-my pet - the-they died, Miles. They die-died!" She sobbed onto his shoulder.

Miles frowned.

He has only seen her pet a few times and he was very fond of it. They had a sweet bond and it saddened Miles to know that her pet died.

Miles looked at her tear-filled eyes, his hands cupping both her cheeks and wiping her tears away with his thumbs.

The two made eye contact and stayed like that for a moment, his soft and delicate hands on her face, wiping her tears away while they both stared at each other.

After a while, Miles removed his left hand from Y/N's cheek.

Y/N looked at him confusingly, but before she could say anything, Miles pulls her closer and starts to kiss her tears away.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Y/N. But I'm always here if you need someone to listen and talk to you, okay? I love you so much, I'll always be right by your side," Miles says with a smile before pecking her lips.

"I love you so much, Miles," Y/N says and pecks his lips back.

"I love you so very much, Y/N."

dont be shy, feel free comment and vote :)

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