miles fairchild: leave pt.2

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tw: im gonna b straight forward, no gore but u get stuck sin between bars that ur lower body hurts

miles runs out of the house as fast as he can.

from where he is, he sees y/n attempting to open the gate.

the gate.

miles runs faster towards the girl.

he hopes that she won't get hurt.

he doesn't want her to end up like his parents.

like miss jessel.

"y/n, please stop!" he yells.

his voice catches the girl's attention. however, she sighs and looks away, returning to her attempt to open the gate.


"go away miles!"

"please, im-"

miles stops mid-sentence when he notices a ghostly figure behind the gate, his disgusting and bruised finger on his lips, and a "shh" leaves his dirty mouth.


"leave her alone!" miles yells as he gets closer to her.

quint's lips widens with a big and mischievous grin on his face before he grabs onto the gate, swiftly opening it, causing y/n to fall.

but before she could fall onto the ground, quint closes the gate immediately, trapping her body in between the thin bars.

she screams in pain as she feels the gate becomes unusually tighter against her body.

"no no no no," miles panicked.

he finally approaches the gate and tries to pry it open.

he could feel and see a bit of quint's finger make contact with his.

"pl-please- i'm s-sorry-" he stutters as he pulls on the gate as hard as he can, "not today please..."

his sobs become harder and louder with every attempt he made. that was until he felt a cold yet somehow comforting hand touch his shoulder.

he turns around and makes eye contact with his mother.

"mom," he mumbles, his eyes glistening with new tears.

she nods at him and motions her head towards quint's direction.

when miles turns around, he is met with the sight of his father smiling at him and pulling quint away from the gate before punching his face.

"go, save her," his mother whispers into his ear before she, along with his father and quint, disappear. quint's screams slowly fading away.

then, when he pulled on the gate once again, it opened on his demand.

miles caught y/n before she could make contact with the ground.

"are you okay? where does it hurt the most? stomach? hips? i can get you an-"

"-miles," y/n tries to get his attention.

"i can also get you your favorite sweets, i-"

"miles," she tries again.

"i'm so sorry, i really am. i shouldn't have yelle-"

"miles!" she yells, finally catching his attention.

he stops rambling and stares at her.

"its okay," she smiles after she cups his soft face.

"but...its not. i said some messed up things back there and wished that you were dead. its not okay."

"but i'm okay-"

"y/n...please, stop. let me make it up to you, okay? whether you are okay or not, it's still my fault and i want to say i'm sorry. even if it means ill have to learn every language ever known just to say sorry in each and one of them or even sell every single thing i have and love, even my instruments just so i can show you how sorry i please, let me make it up to you. in any way you want, i'll do it."

she stays silent for a while.

"do you mean that?"



"yes, a 100% yes. to the moon and back."

she nods, a small smile slowly forming on her face, "alright, fine."

miles smiles, "thank you," he holds her left hand and kisses it, "can i start making it up to you now?"

she nods, "of course."

he happily takes both of her hands and walk towards the mansion.

"i love you so much, you don't even know it."

i'm not a fan of the ending i'm sorry

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