miles fairchild: that cats a distraction, make it leave

593 7 2

tw: a bit heated, making out, slight language

c/b - cat breed
c/n - cats name

aged up to 16-17

image above is not mine! creds to the owner!

it was a cold day at the manor. flora was with kate, who was surprisingly still there, while miles and y/n were cuddling on his bed, her head on his chest as his rests on the pillows. the two would share a few kisses here and there from time to time.

as the couple were enjoying each others presence, miles' hand crawls down to y/n's thigh from her hip and brushes his thumb against her thigh.

y/n looks up to miles and kisses his lips.

soon, that kiss went from passionate and soft to eager and rough.

y/n slightly got up, her lips still attached to miles' and sat on his lap, straddling him.

miles' hands grip her waist tightly as they both made out.

miles licks and bites her bottom lip asking for permission.

granted, y/n slightly parts her lips and gave him enough room for him to slip in.

miles slips his tongue in as his grip on her tightens, making y/n moan.

miles was about to flip them over until they both heard a little sound.


"c/n!" y/n excitedly calls out for their c/b cat. she happily watches as he/she runs towards his/hers parents.

miles groans, "that cats a distraction, make it leave."

she gives miles a look and picks up c/n while shes still straddling his lap, "this cat is your child, mr. fairchild. say hi to your cranky father, c/n," y/n coos.

c/n meows at him, making miles smile a bit, "hi to you too, you little cockblock," he pats and rubs the c/b cats head.

c/n meows again and hops off the bed and walks out of the room, multiple meows leaving his/her mouth as if he/she was talking to them and they understood him/her.

the couple chuckle at her cat.

"so," miles begins, "where were we?" he says as he uses his index finger to hold her chin up and make her look at him before he leans in again.

you can imagine the rest :)

my family was so loud while i was writing this so there may be a few mistakes, its proofread but i doubt i fixed any mistakes bec theyre so fucking loud and i couldnt concentrate

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