miles fairchild: new

383 5 2

tw: quint, nightmares, unwanted touching, stabbing, bleeding, but fluff at the end

requested by: xStef_26

you are 18 while miles is 19

not fully proofread, so there may be mistakes. please correct me if there are any, thank you!

"children, this is y/n. y/n, this is miles and flora. you will be taking care of flora. she's 11 and miles is 19," mrs. grose speaks.

"hi," y/n waves as flora smiles and miles nods.

"hi!" flora happily exclaims, "i have been waiting for ages to meet you!"

"it's only been 2 days, flor," miles says.

"we're gonna have so much fun together! let's go!' flora ignores her brother and drags y/n to her room.

"we're going to play with my dolls and have a tea party!" she stops before turning around, "and you're going to join us, miles!"

y/n hears the young adult sigh before walking behind them, "alright, alright. i want my red teacup."

"he always wants the red teacup i painted for him. he may look like a strict brother but hes actually like a soft teddy bear," she says as she tilts her head to look at the girl.

"am not!" miles exclaims, y/n chuckles.

soon, they all entered flora's room.

"you can sit here, y/n," flora points at a chair as she passes by.

"thanks, flora," she says as she grabs the seat.

but before she could pull it, miles did it for her.

"ill get that for you."

the two share eye contact for a moment before y/n breaks it.

"uh thanks, miles."

the boy nods at her before taking his own seat.

and ever since that day, for almost a couple of weeks straight, hes been giving the girl mixed signals and actions.

one moment he would be all sweet and loving, but the next he would be annoying and enjoy teasing her, making her face red from all the teasing.

he doesn't know why, but he loves it.

maybe it's the thrill of talking to her and making her go all flustered.

he doesn't know either.

but he begs that nothing bad happens to her.

he knows quint.

that disgusting man will never stop. every woman he lays his perverted eyes on will haunt them even in their sleep.

so every night before he goes to bed, he always checks the hallways before checking on y/n.

hes caught quint sneaking into the girl's room a couple of times and he was always successful in stopping him.

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