boris pavlikovsky: stuffies for детка

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tw: none

f/a - fav animal
n/n - nickname
st/n - stuffed toy name
f/f - fav food

image above is not mine! credits to the rightful owner.

"детка! детка!" boris' happy yet loud voice echoes throughout their shared apartment.

not so long ago, the two moved in together after they both got stable jobs at an arcade and at a pizza place.

"boris?" y/n calls out for her ukrainian boyfriend, "where have you been?" she asks as soon as she founds him, "its almost 10pm."

"sorry n/n. i was at the store," he replies, "and look!" he happily exclaims and pulls out a cute f/a stuffed toy from his bag, "i got you toy! isnt it cute?" he says and hands it to her.

y/ns heart skipped a beat. he got her a stuffed toy?

she couldnt stop smiling at how adorable he is.

y/n holds and looks the stuffed toy with hearts in her eyes, "its so cute! whered you get this, b? you didnt steal it did you?" she asks, worry visible in her tone as she asks the last question.

boris' eyes widen and shakes his head vigorously, his hands up in front of him shaking, "no, детка! i bought f/a with my own money from job. i promised i would never steal again and i still keep that promise," he honestly speaks.

y/n smiles again, but this time, wider.

she cups his cheeks and pulls him into a kiss, "gosh, youre so adorable. i love you so so much!"

boris giggles, "i love you too, n/n. what will you name f/a?"

she pauses and thinks for a moment, "st/n."

"st/n? wonderful name! now, lets go eat, i also bought f/f," boris says and drags y/n to the kitchen.

pretty boy: finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now