mike wheeler: it was her he chose pt.2

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tw: language, some mistakes may be seen so if there are any, please inform me so i can fix them

"okay, tell me, how in the world did we get from translating a russian code to asking a child to crawl in the air ducts for us?" y/n asks as she, robin, and dustin sit next to erica, the child who was going to crawl in the vents for them.

"i dont know, you nerds asked me to be here," she says as she eats one of her ice creams.

"anyways," erica speaks, "you know what this half-baked plan of yours sounds like to me?"

"child endangerment," erica says.

"we'll be in radio contact with you the whole time-" 

"-ah, ah, ah!' erica cuts robin off, "child endangerment," she repeats.

"erica? hi. uh," dustin speaks, "we think these russians want to do harm to our country," he begins, "great harm. dont you love your country?" he asks.

"you cant spell america without erica," erica replies and takes a sip from her drink.

"shes got a point," y/n agrees.

"uh, yeah. so, dont do this for us. do it for your country. do it for your fellow man. do this for america, erica," dustin says.

"great speech, dusty," y/n pats his shoulder.

erica finishes slurping her drink and sets it down, "ooh, i just got the chills! oh yeah, from this float. not your speech," y/n and robin laugh as dustins smile fade away.

"know what I love most about this country? capitalism," erica says, "do you know what capitalism is?" she asks.

"yeah," everyone says.

"it means this is a free market system. which means people get paid for their services, depending on how valuable their contributions are. and it seems to me, my ability to fit into that little vent, is very very valuable to you all," robin and dustin share a look, "so, you want my help? this uss butterscotch better be first of many. and im talking free ice cream for. LIFE," erica states before eating a cherry.

a few hours later, steve, robin, dustin, and y/n were outside while erica is in scoops.

"erica, do you copy?' robin asks.

"mhm, i copy," ericas voice slightly echoes from the walkie, "you nerds in position or what?" she adds.

"yeah, were in position," y/n replies, "its all quiet here, so youve got the green light."

"green light, roger that. commence operation child endangerment."

"can we maybe not call it that?" robin asks again.

"see you on the other side, nerds," erica ignores her as she crawls into the vent.

steve and robin share a look while dustin and y/n share the same, worried for erica and hoping that she wont get harmed or killed or else lucas will kill them.

a few minutes later, erica spoke, "all right, nerds. im there."

"do you see anything?" robin asks.

"yeah. i see those boring boxes youre so excited about."

"any guards?"

"negative," erica looks around.

"booby traps?"

"if i could see them, theyd be pretty shit traps. wouldnt they?" she replies.

"thank you for that," robin says.

then, a loud thud and clang were heard. erica is in.

erica got out of the vents and opened the door, "free ice cream for life," she says as she places a hand on her hip.

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