richie tozier: can we stay like this for a while?

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tw: fighting

y/n waited for her parents to leave, she really wanted to call richie.

she just got into an argument with her parents and really needed to talk to richie, her comfort person.

gosh, who knew that a trashmouth would be someones comfort person?

but either way, she loves how richie could be such a trashmouth yet such an amazing boyfriend at the same time.

she really needed to talk to him.

so she waited for a few minutes until she could no longer hear the engine of her fathers car.

she ran down the stairs as fast as she could, grabbed the phone, and dialed his number.

"tozier residence, this is richie tozier speaking," (bro is this right? idk) his comforting voice speaks.

y/n sighs in relief, "oh, richie." 

"hey sweetheart. howre you?" he asks, y/n could tell that he was twirling the wire around his delicate finger.

"to be honest," she sighs, "not so good. i just had an argument with my parents and i need you. please."

richie frowns, "that bad huh?"


"alright. hey, ill be there in a few. maybe we could go for a walk? a picnic date? whatever you want, princess," richie says and y/n smiles, "just you being here with me will do, rich."

he chuckles, "sure, see you in a few."

"i love you."

"i love you very much, multiplied by all the stars in our galaxy."

y/n hangs up the phone. now, she has to wait.

while she was waiting, she fiddled with her fingers as her leg jumps up and down. later on, she hears the door bell ring.

she immediately gets up to answer it and is greeted by richies adorable face.

"richie," she says and hugs him. he hugs her back and kisses her temple, "im here, im here." he whispers. "thank you," she sniffles.

"lets go upstairs, okay? we can cuddle all day, all night, and listen to our playlist until you feel better," richie says and y/n nods.

y/n pulls richie upstairs and closes her bedroom door before hugging him from behind, her arms wrapped around his waist tightly as she gently sways them around.

richie slowly walks towards the radio and turns it on, their favorite soft music plays as he holds her arms and turns her to face him.

her arms move to wrap around his neck while his arms snake around her waist, both began to gently sway to the music once again.

as they were slow dancing together, richie leans in for a kiss. y/n pulls him closer and their lips touch, butterflies were felt in their stomachs.

this is so comforting.

after a few moments of silence, y/n speaks, "can we stay like this for a while?"

"as long as you want, love. as long as you want," he whispers and pecks her lips. y/n smiles and buries her face onto his neck.

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