finn: wallpaper

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TW: none

f/r-fav restaurant


it was no secret that finn loves to steal y/ns phone and change her wallpaper into something stupid.

he would always change it into something like her making weird faces or corny memes.

but today was different.

while y/n was taking a bath, finn went to her desk and went to look for her phone.

as soon as he found it, he unlocked it and stopped.

he smiled at her current wallpaper. it was a picture of them on their first date a couple of years ago at f/r.

finn stared at the picture with a big smile on his face, not even realizing he had been staring at it for so long until y/n came out of the shower and spoke.

"trying to change my wallpaper again, are you?" she asks with a small chuckle.

finn snapped out of his daze and looked at her, a smile still on his face as he shook his head, "nope," he said, popping the p.

y/n became curious and approached finn and checked what he was doing.

"aw, youre staring at our first date," she smiles.

finn nods and kisses her head, wrapping his arm around her waist after, "i love you, n/n."

y/n blushes and kisses his lips, "i love you too, finjamin fink."

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