richie tozier: blood on ice pt.1

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tw: language, richie being a jerk, falling on ice, blood, hospital related things and thats that

f/f - fav flower

f/a - fav animal


exam week is over and they didn't even bother to give us a week break like srsly today we start our 2nd quarter

the losers club has just gained a new member, y/n mayfield.

she and her sister, max mayfield, were just skateboarding near the library when the club spotted them and all took interest.

all but richie,

for some reason, he was fine with max. but not with y/n.

he disliked- no. he hated y/n and nobody knew why.

so it was odd when he became nice to her by asking her to go ice skating with him and his friends.

max was invited too but she declined, saying she was going to visit her other friend group.

everyone was still suspicious about why richie was being nice to y/n.

but only if they knew why.

soon, the day when everything will fall comes.

y/n never ice skated before. she was new to it. sure, she and her sister learned how to skateboard and she learned how to use roller skates (without max) before, but ice skating was different for her.

so she held beverlys hand as they both stepped into the ice rink, both wobbling but were having fun.

there were a few occasional slips and falls, but they were okay.

richie was with bill, stan, and eddie while ben and mike were still getting their shoes.

richie skated away from his friends and left the rink.

richie approached the snack bar and bought a bottle of water.

after that, he went back to the rink, secretly hiding the bottle from everyone.

richie observed everything and spilled the water in a spot where y/n and beverly were heading.

richie skated back to his friends and laughed as he watches them struggle and fall.

"shut the fuck up, richie. stop laughing or else ill spill my pills so youll fall," eddie threatens as he and stan try to get up after falling.

"speaking of fall," richie thinks and turns to where y.n and beverly are at.

he watches with a smile on his face as y/n skates over to the area and slips and falls. 

y/n screams as she falls down, knocking down beverly, who was behind her, in the process.

richie laughs and watches y/n again who was trying to get up but failed miserably.

and again, she tried. but this time, she fell on her face.

she groans in pain and holds her nose, which was painfully crushed.

"oh my gosh, y/n!" beverly exclaims and tries to help her friend. but just like y/n, she slips and falls.

richies eyes were on beverly, so he didnt notice a skater who was skating backwards towards y/n.

his attention only shifted back to y/n when he heard screams.

screams from beverly.

screams from his friends.

screams from the crowd.

screams from the skater.

and screams from y/n.

but the only difference was, her scream was filled with pain. not fear like everyone elses.

richie immediately looks at y/n and his eyes widened.

there were so many things happening at the same time.

everyone was moving out of the way as all of his friends were skating towards y/n while employees were running around looking for a wheelchair for the poor girl.

richie couldnt see the girl properly, but he knew that there was blood on the ice.

richie only got a better and closer look as the employees helped y/n onto the wheelchair and wheeled her out of the rink, the skater following them and apologizing over and over again.

she was all bloodied up. her eyes were pouring waterfalls of tears, her nose and mouth were bleeding, and there was a large and long cut on her face that was also bleeding, but this was worse as it was bleeding endlessly.

richie stood there frozen in fear and guilt.

he did this.

"r-richie!" bill calls out for him. richie snaps out and skates towards them.


"-someone spilled water all over that part of the rink and we fell, i-i tried to help her but i kept falling like her and then somebody was skating towards her and i never had enough time to warn her and then they accidentally sliced her face and-" beverly rambles.

"sweetie, its okay. we understand. here, drink some water and take a few deep breaths in and out. your friend will be fine," one of the female employees say and hands her a bottle.

"thank you," beverly mumbles, bill sat next to her and rubs and pats her back to comfort her.

a day later, the losers club received the news that y/n went into a coma because of too much blood loss.

so the day after that, everyone went to the hospital to visit y/n.

everybody bought gifts, but richie had the most.

their visiting hours were almost up. mike, ben, bill, and eddie had already left. stan finished up speaking to y/n and giving her gifts before he patted richie on the shoulder and left.

richie took a deep breath in and out before he entered her room.

richie placed the bouquet of f/fs down and unzipped his bag filled with gifts and took out a small box.

richie sat down on a chair that was already pulled out and next to y/ns bed.

richie fiddled with his fingers before speaking, "im sorry."

"i-i know you cant hear me right now, bu-but im sorry. what i did was wrong, very, very, wrong. it-it was just supposed to be you slipping and falling, n-not you getting your face sliced and ending up in a hospital in a fu-fucking c-coma. its all my fault. all my fucking fault. i-im so fucking s-sorry," he sniffles.

richie wipes his tears away and holds up the small box he was holding, "i-i got this for you. i actually brought more gifts than im supposed to. i-i just feel so bad for doing this to you. and l-l-looking back, i dont know why i was a fucking asshole to you. you did nothing wrong."

richie carefully opens the box and pulls out a necklace with a cartoon version of your favorite animal.

richie slightly smiles at this and puts the necklace on her, "you look great with that necklace on."

a few minutes later, there were more than 5 gifts on the floor. richie shows y/ns unconscious body all the gifts he had gotten for her.

a little while later, a nurse comes into the room and tells him that visiting hours are over.

richie begged and begged the nurse to let him stay overnight.

tired and fed up with the young teen, the nurse agreed and gave him some extra pillows.

richie used the bathroom to freshen up and called his mom, informing her that he will be staying the night at the hospital and will be back home the next day.

"goodnight, y/n. im sorry, again," richie says and fixes the f/a stuffed toy that was in her hands.

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