boris pavlikovsky: sign language

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tw: bullying and being made fun of

boris slams his bag down on the floor as he takes a seat in his homeroom class.

another year of high school, amazing.

boris still felt pretty tired, so he decided to put his head down and take a little nap before the teacher came in.

but a little tap on his shoulder interrupted him.

boris decided to just ignore this.

until it happened again.

he sighs and looks up, "what?"

his eyes land on a girl, he thought she was pretty.

suddenly, the girl started to sign something, but he wasn't aware that she was doing sign language.

the girl sighed, guessing that this boy most likely doesn't understand her. so, she grabs her notebook (used for only talking to people who don't know signs) and wrote in it.

"hi, i'm y/n," she wrote and handed it to the boy.

boris read the note with a bored face, "hello, y/n. i'm boris."

she smiles. but it soon fades away with his next statement.

"what do you want? and why don't you talk?"

she started to fidget, she wasn't used to talking to new people. she only spoke to her family, who obviously, speaks sign.

she writes down, "i have difficulty in hearing and speaking. the teacher told me to sit next to you."

"alright," he responds and rests his head back down, "you didn't have to talk to me, you know? could've just taken your seat."

y/n nodded, he had a point but she thought he was cute and wanted to start a conversation with him. guess it really work the way she guessed it would.

she sat down and took her needed items out. as she was doing so, she felt someone tap her shoulder from behind.

she looked back and saw a boy with glasses. she tilted her head.

"hi, i'm theo. just wanted to say hi and apologize for my friend's actions towards you. i promise he's nice, he's just not a morning person," theo smiles as he hands her the note.

y/n smiles back and writes in her notebook, "hello theo! i'm y/n. and that's alright, i understand. i'm not a morning person either."

theo smiles as he reads this, "hey, you know, i'm learning how to do sign language. i have a relative who's also mute so the entire family is learning how to do it. so i guess i can kinda talk to you in sign?" he writes with a bit of uncertainty.

her smile brightens, "really? that's cool! if you'd like it, i could also help teach you," theo nods excitedly, "yes please!"

the two kept talking and learning a few signs here and there as they waited for their teacher. but when the teacher arrived, their fun conversations were over.

after school, theo invited y/n to the playground to hang out and learn some more.

the two sat on one of the swings, y/n was teaching theo how to ask polite questions.

they were having fun until a loud voice interrupts them.


"oh, that's boris," theo scratches the back of his neck as he signs. y/n frowns.

"who's this- oh," his face drops, "you."

y/n waves at him, but he just rolls his eyes. 

theo gives y/n an apologetic look before boris grabs his arm, "we need to talk."

theo couldn't say anything and just followed boris to the slides, which were a few feet away from the swings.

"i don't like her," he spats out, theo gives him a confused look, "what? why? you barely know her," boris shakes his head, "yeah, but i can tell she's annoying."

"boris," theo sternly says, "what? it's true. the girl says she's "mute", but what if she really isn't? she's probably only doing that for attention because her family doesn't give her any," he laughs as he puts quotation marks on the word "mute."

"boris!" theo exclaims, "don't judge her so quickly, and give her a chance. i've been hanging out with her the entire day and she's really nice."

"whatever, i'm going now. but don't tell me i'm wrong when i'm right," he scoffs and leaves.

theo watches as the dark and curly-haired boy leaves.

y/n and boris aren't used to meeting new people, so theo thought about ways how to get them to talk to one another.

y/n seemed completely fine with the idea of trying to be friends with boris. but she was just afraid that he might be harsher to her the next time.

it's just boris who's the problem.

ideas for part 2?

another note: i won't be updating for a while bec i want to enjoy the rest of my summer, hope you guys understand!

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