miles fairchild: lips

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TW: miles and make out

miles watches as y/n applies lip gloss onto her lips, his eyes mainly focused on how gorgeous her lips look.

y/n puts away her lip gloss and turns around, only to see miles still staring at her lips.

she chuckles and approaches miles, catching his attention.

she places her pointer finger on his chin and lifts his chin up to look at her.

y/n wastes no time and leans in for a kiss. miles immediately kisses back and places her on his lap.

now with y/n straddling his lap, miles wraps his arms around her waist and deepens the kiss while she has her hands wrapped around his neck.

miles licks the bottom of her lip, asking for permission.

y/n gives miles permission and lets out a small moan when he started exploring her mouth.

"miles?" a voice calls out for him along with a knock on the door.

niles breaks the kiss with a groan, stupid kate.

"what?" he replies back rudely.

"we need you downstairs, please," kate replies.

"why? im busy."

"miles, please? flora wont do her work until we play a game. and she says she misses you."

miles sighs, "fine," he says and gets up, "but only because its flora."

"okay, great. thank you," kate says and leaves.

"sorry n/n, but we can continue another time, okay?" miles says and kisses y/n's cheek, which makes her smile.

"sure, kilometer."

"you think later is okay?" y/n nods at him, "sure, after you play with flora."

miles smiles (that rhymes) at her before he opens the door and leaves.

he cant wait until later.

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