boris pavlikovsky: heated pt.2

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tw: one word, smut. not rlly p in v but blowjob and throatfucking yeah

heres the part 2 u guys want. i hope u enjoy bec this is one of the smuts i write whenever im bored and this is the first time im publishing one of them

so, she places her hands on the hem of her shirt, right on top of boris' hands and they both lift her shirt up, revealing her in no bra.

boris stares at her chest for a few seconds with a smile before leaning in and attaching his lips onto one of them.

y/n moans and her hands find themselves in boris' hair again.

"boris," she moans.

boris only hums and switches to her other boob,"so pretty," he says and kisses both her boobs before playing with it, "youre so pretty."

she grinds herself against him, boris whimpers and breaks away.

he places her to his side and starts to get rid of his pants starting with his belt.

eager, he struggles to remove his belt, which makes y/n straddle him again and helps him with it.

now with the belt off, she gets up and pulls his pants down, revealing his black boxers.

y/n holds the waistband of his boxers and pulls them down as well. boris throws his head back as his dick comes out.

boris begins to breathe heavily when he feels her lips wrap around him. his breaths become heavier and heavier as every second passes by.

y/n begins to give boris a blowjob. she licks the tip and goes deeper, the tip of his dick hitting the back of her throat.

she surprisingly has a good gag reflex.

y/n was doing well, boris will admit. but he wanted more. so he begins thrusting his dick into her mouth, making her lose her focus and gag.

boris then grabs a fistfull of her hair into a makeshift ponytail while he fucks her mouth.

at this point, boris was throatfucking her and they both enjoyed it.

"mgh, so close, детка," boris says, his hands still holding her makeshift ponytail.

y/ns hands gripped boris' thighs, the tip of his dick creating a small sound whenever it would hit the back of her throat.

a few seconds later, y/n feels and tastes a hot substance filing up her mouth and going down her throat as boris moans and pants loudly.

she makes sure she swallows it all before lifting her head up from his dick.

she opens her mouth and shows boris that she swallowed all of it. no drop has gone to waste.

boris smiles, "you did so well, детка, so well. was all for me?" he asks with his broken english, his right hand caressing her face while she smiles.

"mhm. just and only for you, bor," she replies and kisses boris.

good night everyone👍i hope my sleepyass fixed all my mistakes
ly all

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