pref4: period

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tw: period and blood


-hes so very caring
-if youre staying with him, he has a stash of period products in his bathroom
-if youre not, he buys your preferred products and goes to your house
-either way, unlimited hugs and kisses and understands your mood swings


-he doesnt really know what to do
-he used to be surrounded by 3 women; his mom, flora, and mrs grose
-but now its just flora and mrs grose
-floras too young to have her period and mrs grose is way past her age to have her period
-but during the time when his mom was still alive, he would notice and/or experience how his mom went through her periods and how his dad took care of her
-so he applies his learnings by taking care of you the way his father did
-they raised him well
-but he definitely doesnt understand your mood swings


-now, we all know whos actually going to take care of you
-boris just steals the products and hands them to theo, hes too scared to approach you
-he knows how bad your cramps are and how they can make you have constant mood swings
-he learned that the hard way
-but besides that, most the time he writes sweet letters and notes and slides them under the door for you to read


-he always gets on your bad side
-and we all know that he goes to bev or his mom for help, mostly bev
-she laughs and says, "just dont get on her bad side"
-again hes always on your bad side
-"what if i already am?"
-bev sighs, "just get her some snacks."
-this four eyed child said this
-"but i am the snack."
-bev hits him with a pad


-he approaches his mom or walter for help
-"get her what she likes. candy, ice cream, chips, drinks, whatever. and dont forget to ask her if she prefers pads or tampons," his mom says
-"give her lots of affection. women love that. get her a hot compress for her cramps too, they really help."
-tyler doesnt know how women act on their period. sure, he has his mom but she doesnt show it
-"wait, so youre saying they dont wear diapers like female dogs?"
-cue the facepalms
-no, tyler. they dont
-i mean there are diaper pads and sure are useful if you have a heavy flow
-but he still follows whatever they say
-he ends up doing so well and getting lots of affection back


-he asks phoebe, who doesnt have her period yet
-"you like science. im sure you know what a period is," he replies to her.
-"actually, i dont. i dont read those kind of stuff."
-"and i thought you would come into use."
-rip trevor
-but after he got wacked by some tool phoebe was holding, he went to his mom
-she was surprised
-she didnt think trev was this type of boy
-she thought he would just search it up
-but anyways, she tells him
-"get her what she needs," his mom says
-"how do i know that?"
-"ask her."
-tbh, hes afraid to ask you💀
-he just messaged you instead and got what you needed
-"whats your pussy size"


-he knows what to do
-he has a mom and older sister
-hes mostly the one who goes to buy their stuff
-he always, ALWAYS, knocks on your door before entering
-he learned this the hard way
-thanks nancy
-you both love star wars, so you watch them while cuddling on your bed
-i forgot to mention, his hands are magical
-they message your stomach/hips so well
-you dont let them leave


-bro already knows when your period is arriving
-so dont be surprised if he approaches or wakes you up saying, "youre bleeding," and hands you one of your clean underwears and a pad
-at night, he cuddles you tight and massages you
-and not just the hips and/or stomach, he can massage you anywhere

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