pref5: valentines day

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tw: couples

happy valentines day! i hope everyones having a fun vday. if not, lets be each others valentines and this is my gift for u bec im broke

+i have a few other stories to publish for u guys this week, will still take a while bec its our foundation week and we have rehearsals etc etc

ok ill stop talking, enjoy one of my many gifts♡

(not proof read)


-this boy.
-he gave u the cutest gift ever
-it was a photo album of all the pics u guys took and it also had ur fav candy/candies inside
-and a very very VERRYYYY sweet and long letter in the front page
-and guess what
-that letter consisted of more than 5 pieces of paper
-he even said "i have so much more to say, but i dont know how to write them because you just drive me insane" at the last part of the letter


-oh miles
-i love miles
-we all love miles
-but dyk what he got u?
-a dead animal
-jk no
-he got u ur fav food and sweets, took you on a short horse ride to a "secret place" that he found (u actually found it), and had a picnic with you
-you both fed each other, lied down together, kissed multiple times, and exhanged gifts
-he got you a very beautiful necklace with both your initials engraved on it
-you were surprised but he said its okay bec hes rich💀


-hes so sweet
-he got you a teddy bear thats holding a big red heart that says "i love you"
-and whenever you press the heart, it actually says "i love you"
-and to top it off he was so proud that he used his own money
-but the food he bought says otherwise
-still the sweetest tho


-he doesnt know what to give u
-so he approached bill
-but then he said hes also facing the same problem with bev
-so he went to bev and mike
-bev and mike just know way more about u
-so he asked them
-bev said to get u ur fav flowers or food
-mike said that he should set a romantic date with u or even take u out on a date
-and they both agreed that he can also take u to the quarry for a swim and then take u out on a date where all his gifts are at
-he took the last option and begged everyone for their help
-and so they did
-he was so anxious for the date but he quickly over came it and u both had an amazing date night
-and thats bec u pushed him at the quarry and he fell into the water screaming like a girl


-im not gonna say he only brought u a heart shaped pizza with whatever sweet word he decides to put on it but he also brought you matching rings and necklaces
-the rings have matching flowers and the necklaces have matching doggies on them
-hes so cute too he also wore hair clips of ur fav color(s)
-he got u a stuffed toy too (any kind of ur choice)


-he may not be richest but he took u on a drive on the ectomobile while listening to your shared playlist on his phone
-then he took u on a date at this small yet adorable looking café not so far from town
-there he gave u a framed picture of all your dates and gave u a flower with chocolates on it
-i did that to my bf lol (bro it was so expensive smh)


-i have never watched rfw yet (where can i watch it) but i feel like hes the type to make a cute bedroom date
-he doesnt want to expose himself by being outside much, so he asks a few of the pack members to run some vday errands for him and he sets the date
-overall, pretty boy is sweet and u guys have an amazing date in the bedroom


-typical but he writes u a song
-i cant get that hungry capitalist pig sound out of my head
-oink oink
-he writes u a song, he sings it to u, and then he takes u on a "romantic walk"(it was just him explaining how he was able to compose the song, still cute tho), went to this cute diner that was decorated with valentines decorations, and then he gave u a promise ring
-i want a promise ring
-he gave u a piggy (oink oink) back ride home and gave you one of the best kisses ever
- e v e r .

pretty boy: finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now